Just a question about editing sequences. I understand what most of the fields are for in the format below but would like to know what the numbers in bold represent. Apologies if this is in a guide somewhere but I haven't been able to find any info on the format.
143 305.51998 59.37794 1_14.914|2_14.336|4_13.842|8_13.38|1024_0 C 9.60000 19.20000
131 305.51078 59.26516 1_13.731|2_13.091|4_12.607|8_12.154|1024_0 H 9.60000 19.20000
120 305.50456 59.47389 1_12.54|2_11.974|4_0|8_0|1024_0 C 9.60000 19.20000
122 305.50553 59.36511 1_12.81|2_12.24|4_0|8_0|1024_0 C 9.60000 19.20000
TrEs-5 305.22161 59.44916 0 T 9.60000 19.20000 0 2 4
kind regards,
Tom Woodrow
I am quite curious as to the source of your "sequence" data... it is not in any form that I recognize.
Always anxious to learn myself.
Ad Astra,
Tim Crawford, CTX, Sequence Team
In VPHOT I clicked
Hi Tim,
In VPHOT I clicked the Admin link, and from there the Sequences link. Then I just selected Edit link for one of my saved sequences. Format as you see above.
As I see it the first field is the star identifier, the next two RA and DEC. Magnitudes in each filter next, though not sure what the 1024_0 for each star is. C,H or T repersents comp, check or target. The following 9.60000 19.20000 I am not sure about as well.
I have created sequences from downlaoded APASS star data and loaded them and they have worked on images but I am having to put numbers in for fields I do not understand.
Thanks for sharing the sequence source... I am just as confused as your are re the presentation of the data but figure one of the VPHOT guru's should be able to explain this and we will then both learn something; I presume it is something unique to VPHOT?
Per Ardua Ad Astra
Tim Crawford, CTX
PS- maybe you can edit your own topic to include the word VPHOT so it will catch some one's atttention?
Thanks Tim,
I am a bit confused though, isn't this the VPHOT forum?
You are right about this being the VPHOT forum... except your title: "Format of Sequences," that shows on the AAVSO front page does not particulary invoke VPHOT... so the VPHOT Guru's might not take a look from that page based upon that title. I am a member of the sequence team and that is the only reason I clicked on this topic... then I failed to first realize that it was a VPHOT forum (my bad) when I made my first reply.
And to further drive this point home, it does not appear that anyone who is knowleable of this area of VHOT has responded yet to you.... which I can only suspect could be that they are not looking at VPOIT messages specifically but rather, like me, often just reacting to the title on the front page.
Therefore my suggestion to you, in hopes that it might catch the right persons attention, was to include the term VPOT in your forum topic, if you could edit... something simple like: "VPHOT Format of Sequences" then that is what would show on our main AAVSO page.
I hope this enables a better understanding for you of my intent in trying to help you... sorry so far it is not working to well.... but keep the faith.
Start with admin-sequence-help (just above sequence list table)-file format (link in text).
Did you find this? Read entire help document.
I think 1024 is U filter. I'll check on that.
Ken (MZK)
BTW, you only posted your question yesterday evening!
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the link, I didn't find that document earlier. That clears up most of my questions, however, still not sure about the last numbers for the target star in the example in my original post i.e. the 0 2 4. The example in the help document has 0 0 0 in the same place.
I am certainly have no complaints about the response time to my query here, I was just trying to confirm that I had posted in the correct place. Apppreciate you and Tim helping me on this.
kind regards,
I checked a few of my own sequences and found that they all have 0 0 0 not 0 2 4. I will see if I can get Geir to respond.
However, how/why did you create the sequence file that you showed in your initial post?
BTW, why are you creating your sequences as a file (and importing?) and not just creating the sequence from your image in VPhot? That is where I would have selected a comp(s) and edited the comp magnitudes for each.
Hi Ken,
Thanks, hopefully Geir will have the answer.
Actually, that sequence in the original post was created directly from an image.
I created the sequences because for some of my images, when I tried to load AAVSO standard stars I was getting the 'none was imported due to no photometry .....' message.
To create the sequence I went to the UCAC4 catalog in VizieR, set some RA/DEC ranges and download the postitons and APASS magnitudes in .csv form. I then parsed that with a python script into the sequence format. I also used the magnitude conversions from Jester et al. to get some R and I mags.
Happy to pass script on to anyone who might find it useful.