VPhot: multi-image upload fail

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 08/19/2019 - 15:02

Months ago I used to select multiple images to upload by selecting a block of them via Ctrl-click. But today that fails in both Firefox and Chrome--VPhot only allows selection for upload of one file at a time. Ctrl-A for Select All fails also.

I see no help or notification for this. Has something changed without notice? Any ideas on how to restore this basic functionality?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Flash Multi-Image Upload


Did you recently start seeing a message on your browser (e.g., Chrome) about Flash being removed after Dec 2020? If so, did you click the "turn off" button to permanently remove the message?

I did that and lost the ability to run a multi-image selection and upload. I had to go to settings in chrome and re-activate flash as allow. I think that is what I did although I do not remember exactly.

Give this or something like it a try. You need to re-activate the flash option. It was annoying but I did quickly restore my ability to upload multiple images at once.

Before next year, we do need to recode VPhot to use an alternative like http upload? Fortunately, Geir has indicated that the upload function is the only Flash driven function in VPhot. I hope so but anticipate that this upload issue is going to be asked by many others until we recode this step.  ;-( 

I am hopeful that other users read this and DO NOT click the "turn off" button.

HTH, Ken

PS: Even when this is done, it may be necessary to click on the little black lock icon in the URL address box on the browser AND select "allow" for flash and reload the upload page, before you can select and upload multiple images.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Flash was activated during

Flash was activated during the failure. I just now set the Flash plug-in to "Always Activate" and multi-file upload still fails. Unchecked Flash "protected mode", rebooted Firefox, VPhot still fails.

The multi-file upload also failed in the non-Flash "simple" VPhot option.

If Flash is the problem, let's dump Flash.

PS "Hoping" that others see a Forum message is well meaning but not good enough. If Flash settings are so desperately critical to VPhot's minimal functioning, that let's put exactly that right onto the VPhot page. Until we dump Flash.

PPS You don't have to "turn off" Flash for Chrome to fail VPhot--Chrome now blocks Flash by default. Turning it back on (a stupidly long process) actually removes the upload button altogether, so that I can't upload anything at all. Does this seem reasonable, anyone, anyone? Can we please dump Flash now?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Flash Multi-Image Upload


I just uploaded multiple images to VPhot through Chrome. If you want to try to determine what is causing your problem, we should talk off line? I did send you an email but got no response.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thanks for the note, but my

Thanks for the e-mail, but my browser has no black lock in the URL box: that lock is green, as it should be for all https URLs. When I click that green lock and disable all the restrictions and security settings--which no website should ever ask any user to do--VPhot multi-file upload still fails for me. I give up.

In 2015 I designed my daily photometric workflow to avoid VPhot, using it only when setting up new target stars. Lucky me. So until we dump the Civil-War-era software (Flash) that has been breaking VPhot for some years now, when I need VPhot I'll just make a pot of coffee and upload images one at a time as I did today.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot uploads

Nothing has changed on the VPhot server in a while. Though changes are coming soon.

It might be a flash issue with your browser? The primary upload mechanism is flash based.


Variable Stars South (VSS)
Same Issue

I have had this issue from the start. I only started using VPHOT about a month ago and have never been able to upload multiple files. I have tried 4 different browsers (chrome, IE, firefox and opera) and where the option for allowing flash to run was available it was turned on - i.e allow flash. The above comments relate to Win 10.


Today I tried Windows 7 with chrome, firefox and IE - same. In addition today I noticed that light curve generator will not display the observations in chrome and IE but does display in firefox

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Serge:

Hi Serge:

I just copied my identical response from your other post so that others might see it here. Additionally, to confirm your comment - did you observe some loss of functionality in the completely separate LCG2?? If you would like, perhaps we could try to skype to work on this issue? Send me an email at kenmenstar@gmail.com, if desired.

Thanks for info. I can confirm that I also saw this issue. However, in chrome, I re-enabled flash (ask/allow) and am currently able to open images, click on individual comps, open their info box, and change from comp to check. I just tried this!  IOW, it is working normally for me.

BUT, I agree that this and similar issues are becoming more prevalent. Disturbing that different browsers act differently. Individual browsers are dealing with the future demise of flash in different ways at different times??   :-(

We are looking into the issue with the hope of correcting the problem. Keep trying different alternatives to allow flash. Report if you find anything that restores your ability to work normally? It is certainly annoying, sorry.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Any news on resolving this issue directly in vphot?  I have tried lots of settings on firefox and chrome with no luck unfortunately. 



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Chrome solution

These three screenshots resolve the issue on Chrome.  View in numbered sequence.

I just reran successfully.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thanks!  I won't be back at a computer till later tonight.  I'll try the recommended settings and if still no luck, will drop you an email Ken.

Clearest skies,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thanks for the help!  The settings you attached were the ticket Gordon.  Running with no issues now.

Clearest skies,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Eric, I'm using Firefox 68.2

Eric, I'm using Firefox 68.2.0 (I guess it is an ESR version) and that works well with flash. My platform is (oldish) Linux, though. I tried to upload images to VPHOT today, it was just asking for permission and after that everything went smoothly.

Best wishes,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
My Firefox is fully updated

My Firefox is fully updated (Windows 7). My Flash is fully updated and enabled. Still, I can only upload one FITS file at a time to VPhot. The button *says* upload files, but I can select only one file at a time. It has been this way for months, through several updates of Firefox, Flash, and Windows.

When VPhot works again, I'll use it again.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
None of the above fixes work

I'm using Chrome as suggested above. Version 79.0.3945.117

Firefox either already has or will very shortly discontinue all Flash support, and Chrome will be completely done in 2020.

On Mac, none of these fixes work at all. Especially if we keep up to date on browser updates. I've tried Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.

VPHOT itself should be fixed rather than trying to direct (clearly many) frustrated users to try long workarounds or to disable security settings, etc etc. 

Being on the young end of users here and knowing the issues AAVSO has trying to keep young members around long term... this is likely one of those things driving them away. Not just VPHOT, but bad links or links giving lists of data from fiscal year 2011-2012 when the link says "the most recent..."

Anyway... Getting off topic... Can we figure out a proper fix rather than trying to give myself and other members workarounds that don't work or only work for select users?

I've attached a screenshot to show that the current version of Chrome doesn't even give you the option to enable flash when clicking the lock box as directed in the top left corner.


Thanks, all.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Here is a second screenshot

Here is a second screenshot of me at Step4 in the upload wizard. Still no option to enable flash.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot Flash Upload Issues

Eric and Chris et al:

Yes, Flash will no longer be supported at the end of this year. So, we will need to change the upload mechanism by then. George Silvis and I have been discussing alternatives.

In the interim, most but not all users have manged to get it to work by modifying browser settings to allow flash. However, some browser updates seem to undo any previous corrective effort.  :-(

We are both willing to interact directly (Skype or other) to try to resolve the issue, if you have any interest in trying. Just send an email via the profile contact page.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I'd be happy to help!

Hi Ken,

Thanks to both you and George for your efforts.

If you need any help beta testing any of the upcoming changes I'd be more than happy to do so.

Maybe next time my AAVSOnet data will actually make it to my account and I won't have to upload five months of data one file at a time. ;)

Have a great week, and thanks again!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Firefox Flash Support Installation Successful

I downloaded the latest Firefox version (72.0.1 (64-bit))  onto my Windows 10 system (which is fully updated.)  (I did not have a previous copy installed.)  

I then installed the flash support as described here - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-flash-plugin-view-videos-animations-games

When I went to the VPhot upload, the select files box was initially darkened, but when I selected it, it asked if flash should be enabled on that webpage.  Once I selected yes, I was able to upload multiple files successfully.

If you use the Upload Wizard, a similar process works.  On the image attached, you see the first time after installing flash, the select image box is blackened out.  Selecting it opens the Allow Flash option to appear.  Then the blackened box returns to normal and you can select multiple images.