Sat, 07/15/2017 - 17:18
In imaging three YSOs I note that the name assigned in VPhot is not recongized in WebOps. Examples:
Vphot EM AS 220 = VSX KK Oph
VPhot Haro 1-16 = VSX V2062 Oph
VPhot HBC 272 = VSX IX Oph
I'll probably find more as I expand my YSO target list and keep you posted.
If memory serves me correctly these objects (certainly KK Oph) are in heavily obscured regions in southern Oph, and it's possible this may have given rise to some inconsistencies. Some time ago I was drawing up charts for KK Oph and gave up because of the wild values that would have been used in the transformation equations.
I think you clicked the gcvs catalog not VSX catalog in VPhot?? I get the correct names on the images you shared to me, when I clicked VSX.
"Problem" solved, thanks Ken.