T Tauri campaign - call for spectra

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British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Fri, 11/30/2012 - 12:49

The ARAS group preliminary results in response to this request can be found here


I am currently looking at the feasibility of using the Star Analyser to meet one of the aspects of the project. 





British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
A remarkable large, fast transient in the spectrum of DN Tau

On 2012-12-09 I detected a remarkable transient in the spectrum of DN Tau using the Star Analyser.

88 x 20 sec spectra show a rise in total flux (4000-7500A) of ~130% in just 6 minutes, followed by a rapid drop over the following 6 minutes and a continuing slow fall over the next 40 minutes to ~20% of the initial level. The flux increase was greatest at the blue end (a 300% increase at 4500A)

More details here
http://www.threehillsobservatory.co.uk/ ... ra_42a.htm
and a description of the technique here
http://www.threehillsobservatory.co.uk/ ... tra_42.htm


British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Revised T-Tauri spectroscopic programme

Based on an analysis of the spectroscopic data collected on the T-Tauri tagets, the revised ARAS programme for the upcoming season can be found here.


I have made several further spectroscopic observations of DN Tau using a Star Analyser but have seen no further fast transient events.


