V1830 AQUILAE = NOVA AQUILAE 2013 = PNV J19023335+0315190

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 11/11/2013 - 02:47

From IAUC 9263:

V1830 AQUILAE = NOVA AQUILAE 2013 = PNV J19023335+0315190

As first announced on CBET 3691, S. Nakano reported the
discovery by Koichi Itagaki (Teppo-cho, Yamagata, Japan) of a
possible nova (mag 13.8) on an unfiltered CCD frame taken on Oct.
28.443 UT using a 0.21-m reflector; Itagaki measured the variable's
position as R.A. = 19h02m33s.35, Decl. = +3o15'19".0 (equinox
2000.0).  The new object was designated PNV J19023335+0315190 when
it was posted at the Central Bureau's TOCP webpage.  It was
confirmed spectroscopically as a "Fe II"-type nova close to maximum
brightness on Nov. 3.764 by U. Munari (Padua Observatory).
Additional observations are given on CBET 3691.  N. N. Samus writes
that this nova has been given the permanent GCVS designation V1830

[Note: this post was edited to correct the GCVS name to V1830 Aql. -MT]

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: V2830 Aql


Is this designation, V2830 Aql, correct?  In the 80th Name-List of Variable Stars, Part III (IBVS 6052), the most recent variable star designation in Aquila is V1829 Aql.  Unless exactly 1000 new variables in Aquila have received designations since this name list was published in April, the newest nova should be designated V1830 Aql.  Perhaps someone at HQ could ask the IAUC or GCVS folks for clarification.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
V2830 Aql name correct?

Hi Bob,

I sent an email to Dan Green asking him to verify the designated name for Nova Aql 2013 with the GCVS team. I searched the GCVS site for 'V2830 Aql' but came up empty. I also verified that the 80th Namelist stops with V1829. I'll post again when I hear from Dan.

Good observing  -  Elizabeth Waagen

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
V2830 Aql is really V1830 Aql

I heard from Dan Green at the IAU CBAT about the name of Nova Aql 2013. There was a typo in the message from the GCVS team, and Nova Aql 2013 is V1830 Aql, NOT V2830 Aql. Dan will be printing a correction in the IAU Circular.

Thank you, Bob, for noticing this anomaly!!

Good observing  -  Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ