Thu, 10/15/2015 - 06:50
I keep getting the following message with TA: # No CREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference
The chart ID is: X15435EW
I've tried processing with v2.45 but also get the same message with v2.38 on another computer. I tried running TA on the same star that was successfully transformed by TA a month ago and tried processing it again and got the same error message even though it was successfully processed by the same v2.38 program a month ago.
Anyone have any suggestions for this problem?
Hi Barbara,
Unfortunately, George is off "camping his way across the continent" (see his post from yesterday in the VPHOT forum) and he is the only one who can help with TA questions. I don't know when he will be back, but I'm sure that he will address the issue as soon as he is.
Despair not. I'm monitoring the forums on my trip!
As with any problem with a software application, we will need to see the input that is causing the output error. Please post or send to me the input data that is causing the error that you are reporting. It would also be helpful to see the TA INI file that you are using.
I tried running it again and it was successful. Don't know what the problem was but it works not.