Tue, 08/11/2015 - 09:25
Hi All,
I just wanted to let you know that i just uploaded a new version of SunEntry. The reason for the update is that the AAVSO website just became more secure (going from "http" to "https") and it was necessary to change some of the internal workings of SunEntry in order for it to remain compatible.
Hopefully, you won't notice the change, but if you experience any problems logging in to SunEntry over the next several days, please post to this forum or email me directly with details of your operating system, browser and Java version (sara (at) aavso.org).
Clear skies!
Hello again SunEntry users,
The transition to https is now complete and the old version of SunEntry.jnlp which you were using to launch the Java Web Start version will no longer work. Please delete this file and download it again from here: https://www.aavso.org/sun-entry
If you do this and still have a problem, please let me know by posting to this forum or contactin me directly.
Thanks, Sara
Hi Sara,
Had problems with my new Mac Sierra OS installation this morning but solved most of them. However my Sun Entry decided to quit working.
I downloaded the latest Java version and the latest Sun Entry package but still get:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver error.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
SunEntry has been fine for years until I had to reload Win10. (Actually Microsoft did it for me, so it's likely to be correct.). Now dbl-clicking SunEntry only gives a brief flash of a window. I've uninstalled Java then installed the current Java, and their web site confirms the installation is good. Sara tells me SunEntry's Open-With parameter should be Java "Web Launcher," but mine is "Java Platform SE binary." I've tried several ways to get to Java's download including "Web Launcher" and "Run Time Environment," but always end up downloading the same verson.
Any Ideas?
John (KAPJ)
Hi John
Can you verify that Java WebStart is present in the Java version you downloaded by:
Hi Daveid,
If I define the problem as not being able to run SunEntry, it's solved. I downloaded the .JAR version. It runs fine.
Here's the JAVAWS response.
Hi Sara,
I tried the link you provided and it works perfectly! Thanks!
Hi Larry,
The first post in this thread was actually from August 2015. I haven't changed anything in SunEntry since then but I'm glad it still works for you anyway!
All the best,