New version of CHET Tool

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 10/25/2017 - 19:17

We are pleased to announce that we now have a new version of the Chart Error Tool (CHET) (Note that you must be logged in to the website to use it).

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this tool, its purpose is to give you a way to report errors or other issues with AAVSO charts generated using the Variable Star Plotter (VSP). For example, if a variable gets brighter or fainter than it has ever been before and you feel that an extension to the comparison star sequence is needed, you should make a request using CHET.

The Sequence Team members can then use the tool to track requests and let you know when the issue has been resolved. You can also use CHET to see if a chart problem has been reported previously.

Please remember that CHET is not meant for requesting new sequences where none currently exist. That process is explained here.

Many, many thanks to volunteer Phil Manno for doing a great job converting the old code into this new version which is much cleaner and allows for more sorting and filtering options.

If you are interested in helping the AAVSO update and/or develop software tools (particularly if you know Django!) please let me know. Join the fun!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
All in one

Thanks for this new feature, Sara. However, why can't ALL chart requests (including stars without sequences) be integrated into one app? The present method of having to email the chart team, and format the request in a very specific way they want, is quite irritating and seems unnecessarily contrived to me.




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
All in One

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your suggestion. It would be ideal to have both in the same tool, but there are reasons for separating CHETs from new sequence requests (at least for now). For a new comparison star sequence request, more information is required from the requestor than for a regular CHET and the way the Sequence Team is currently organized, things work more efficiently the way they are now. To combine the two types of requests into one tool would represent a more drastic change than we are prepared to undertake at this point.

By the way, if anyone is interested in joining the Seqence Team and volunteering to help with all the great work they do to make our charts so useful, please contact AAVSO HQ and let us know. We could certainly use your help!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Well ok, but maybe you could

Well ok, but maybe you could at least provide a FORM, that every new sequence requestor could fill in the required blanks? The issue repeats is that I cannot remember all the information the team needs, and in what specific format they like it, so frequently I get my request "bounced back" for corrections, wasting time on both sides.


Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Sequence request from VSX

Hi Mike,

To avoid formatting an email, you can request a sequence from the detail sheet of an object in VSX.  If you are logged into VSX, click on "Sequence" to the right of the constellation name and fill in the form.  All the relevant information is then sent to the sequence team.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Oh, I see that feature! I was

Oh, I see that feature! I was unaware you could do that in VSX. That really helps very much, to minimize the amount of inputs needed by the observer. EXCELLENT, hopefully, this option can be made more well known to people who need sequences, rather than pushing the "email way", that is advertised on the website...
