Mon, 12/11/2017 - 22:02
I am interested in analysing data from ASAS-SN but have not been able to import data to Vstar. Any ideas?
I am interested in analysing data from ASAS-SN but have not been able to import data to Vstar. Any ideas?
Of course, after the other responses, I realized that I mis-read the question..... geezzz, but glad it all worked out for Gustav.
To the best of my knowledge “ASAS-SN” references the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (aka “ASAS-SN).
Typical Transiet object designations are ASASSN-YRxx where YR is the two digit year ending and xx is a sequential alpha naming progression. If you check the Transients web page the current listing, at the top of the page is for ASASSN-17qn, as an example:
Data Based objects of the AAVSO can always be checked via the VSX. If it does not appear there then it is not in the data base and there is a method therein to request inclusion:
Tim Crawford, CTX
Sequence Team
No worries Tim. Useful information anyway.![laugh](//
I was thinking of analysing data like this, for example, using Vstar. There's an export option using csv format, but when I try to load that into Vstar it doesn't work.
Hello Gustav
I export data to Vstar very often. I believe that Vstar only wants a JD and a magnitude. If you are exporting more that this, it might be the problem.
Hi all
Thanks for your input Gary and Tim.
Gustav, after reading your post, I wrote a ASAS-SN observation source plug-in while on my daily bus commute today and finished/tested it this evening after work (it's almost midnight here in South Australia).![cool](//
I've attached a zip file containing all current plug-ins plus the new ASAS-SN plugin. You can install it by creating a temporary directory, unzipping the zip file into that directory and either:
I've carried out minimal testing so far: on the dataset you pointed to above and a random one I searched for and downloaded on the ASAS-SN web page.
I'm handling the 5-sigma limit (see pages 4, 5 of referenced on by using a separate series for such observations. In addition, any observation for which the mag and mag_err are both 99.99, the plug-in ignores. Let me know if you think different series colours should be used. The main series is V as I understand it, hence the colour.
Once more testing (e.g. by you and others) has been carried out and a simple how-to guide has been written, the plug-in will be made available in the AAVSO plug-in repository.
Please give it a try and let me know how it goes. A new item will appear in the File menu.
It works! I installed the new batch of plugins in a temporary directory, pointed to it in preferences/plugin-in settings/ and installed the ASAS-SN plugin. Then I have been able to load ASAS-SN datasets in Vstar.
Many thanks for the quick response, making the already great Vstar an even better tool for variable star astronomy. Great!
Hi Gustav
That’s excellent and thanks for your kind words. :)
Let me know if you see any problems.
If you want to use the standard online plugin library again, just click the Set Defaults in the plug-in settings preferences pane.
Dear David and Cliff, I have the ASAS-SN plugin installed and vstar could detect it. However, I get an error message "No observations for the specified period" when trying to import data with it. Did I do something wrong?
many Greetings
Jan 15, 2019 9:30:18 PM showErrorDialog
SCHWERWIEGEND: No observations for the specified period.
Jan 15, 2019 9:33:38 PM showErrorDialog
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Hi Thomas
Sebastian Otero has mentioned to me that there was recently a change to the format of the data.
I'll look at this and get back to you.
Can you please tell me which dataset you were downloading so I can replicate the problem?
Dear David, I'll send you a record of R Vir (lc123451.dat)
Many Thanks
#HJD Cam mag mag_err flux (mJy) flux_err (mJy)
# (5 sigma limits)
#Cam: Hawaii=abcd Chile1=defg Chile2=ijkl SAAO=mnop Texas=qrst
2456619.12177 bd 8.26 0.1 1905.89 175.342
2456625.11361 bd 7.973 0.1 2480.752 228.229
2456641.0544 bd 7.213 0.1 4996.188 459.649
2456657.0102 bd 7.272 0.1 4731.254 435.275
2456674.98675 bd 8.651 0.0 1328.892 0.0
2456700.91447 bd 10.105 0.1 348.335 32.047
2456736.81007 bd 10.662 0.1 208.577 19.189
2456740.80244 bd 10.385 0.1 268.978 24.746
2456742.02493 bd 9.988 0.1 388.069 35.702
2456766.98741 bd 8.681 0.0 1292.954 0.0
2456783.8463 bd 7.811 0.1 2881.202 265.071
2456794.8418 bd 7.477 0.1 3920.002 360.64
2456797.85195 bd 7.453 0.1 4004.402 368.405
2456798.84611 bd 7.48 0.1 3907.175 359.46
2456800.83777 bd 7.552 0.1 3655.458 336.302
2456801.8342 bd 7.593 0.1 3521.404 323.969
2456802.83155 bd 7.594 0.1 3517.446 323.605
2456804.83228 bd 7.696 0.1 3202.011 294.585
2456806.83858 bd 7.777 0.1 2971.108 273.342
2456807.83887 bd 7.849 0.1 2781.75 255.921
2456809.82044 bd 7.919 0.1 2607.796 239.917
2456810.8205 bd 7.989 0.1 2446.299 225.06
2456811.77189 bd 8.03 0.1 2355.018 216.662
2456812.79803 bd 8.125 0.1 2157.789 198.517
2456818.80544 bd 8.604 0.1 1388.023 127.698
2456820.80298 bd 8.784 0.0 1176.07 0.0
2456822.80602 bd 8.931 0.1 1027.108 94.494
2456823.81351 bd 9.023 0.1 943.099 86.765
2456824.80571 bd 9.129 0.1 855.835 78.737
2456826.79396 bd 9.249 0.1 765.803 70.454
2456827.79648 bd 9.367 0.1 687.373 63.238
2456828.80164 bd 9.428 0.1 649.527 59.756
2456829.7973 bd 9.535 0.1 588.951 54.183
2456830.79626 bd 9.592 0.1 558.491 51.381
2456832.78709 bd 9.683 0.1 513.822 47.272
2456835.77955 bd 9.937 0.1 406.395 37.388
2456971.14698 bd 9.112 0.1 869.544 79.998
2456972.14675 bd 9.201 0.1 800.536 73.649
2456987.12835 bd 10.21 0.1 316.205 29.091
2456991.1203 bd 10.622 0.1 216.418 19.91
2456993.11768 bd 10.908 0.1 166.297 15.299
2456998.10937 bd 11.201 0.1 126.898 11.675
2457000.10906 bd 11.535 0.1 93.275 8.581
2457001.10363 bd 11.681 0.1 81.542 7.502
2457002.09255 bd 11.652 0.1 83.806 7.71
2457011.1599 bd 12.559 0.1 36.337 3.343
2457018.10966 bd 12.73 0.1 31.037 2.855
2457021.07728 bd 13.127 0.1 21.525 1.98
There are two different types of outputs with different columns. Those results already computed for known variables in V band and those that are computed after request including V and g observations.
I think that two plugins will have to be made...
Also, it's worth to mention there's a glitch related to latest data. Measurements made with camera that have a capital letter (eg. bG, bH) are marked as V, but in reality these are in g'. It has been there for a while and still hasn't been fixed.
Gabriel Murawski
Hi all
So, the example dataset Thomas shows is ceertainly different from one I saw a few days ago which contains, for example, a V on the end of each row. I haven't spent any time looking at other differences yet.
A couple of days ago I requested R Vir data and got this page:
The Download Data link gives me data in the same format as Thomas's. How does one obtain the new format?
You can get the processed data for the ASAS-SN variables from the links like you sent but that is not trustable and a lot of observations will be missing.
#HJD Cam mag mag_err flux (mJy) flux_err (mJy)
2456619.12177 bd 8.26 0.1 1905.89 175.342
Only V data are displayed.
Always select the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol link from VSX and choose the option "I want to recompute this light curve" (in the case of known variables) so all the data are retrieved.
If the star is not a known variable, always enter 2800 or so in the Enter number of days to go back field.
Observations are both in V and in Sloan g.
V observations stopped in december so now we only have g data.
First line of results:
HJD UT Date Camera Filter FWHM Limit Mag Mag Error Flux (mJy) Flux Error
2455955.11866 2012-01-28.6157059 ba V 2.00 14.886 9.453 0.002 634.872 1.262
As you see the output format is different and the data start at a differente date.
HOWEVER: you haven't chosen a good example. ASAS-SN data brighter than V ~10 are saturated. It is weird that the light curve looks so well. Actually, I don't understand it.
Thanks Sebastian.
From what you've said, we may need a second plugin. Any thoughts about what this should be called as opposed to ASAS-SN?
Hi Sebastian,
I'm curious as to why you label that data "not trustable", the bulk of our work is done with image subtraction photometry.
For clarification, the light curves available on the Variable Stars Database and the Sky Patrol are produced differently.
We use image subtraction photometry on co-added images (3 epochs per co-added image) to produce light curves for the variable stars and photometry databases. The "missing observations" arise from this process of co-addition. These were also generated for the V-band and newer g-band data (available through the real-time Sky Patrol) are not included in these light curves. We prefer to use image subtraction photometry for our projects involving variable stars since this works great in crowded regions and also goes deeper than the light curves available on the Sky Patrol.
The light curves generated through the Sky Patrol employ simple aperture photometry, and the exposures are not co-added (more observations, since all the exposures are listed). Both V and g-band observations are available through the Sky Patrol and the light curves are inherently more up-to-date.
It isn't fair to call either of these sources more trustable/reliable than the other --- they serve different purposes and have different characteristics. We actually prefer that you use the pre-computed light curves when available, unless you absolutely need real-time V+g band photometry. The Sky patrol is very popular and our servers can get overwhelmed quickly.
We are currently in the process of updating all the light curves on the variable stars database. The data format will also change as we do this update. When we have finalized the data format, I will make a post on this thread so that a plug-in can be developed. I would recommend naming the two plugins as follows:
ASASSN_APPHOT (Aperture photometry, Sky Patrol)
ASASSN_SUBPHOT (Image subtraction photometry, Variable Stars Database)
Best regards,
Dear friends, I would use the name suggested by Tharindu for the two filters and add the letters "V" and "g".
Thank you for your help, Thomas
Thanks for all your comments everyone.
Tharindu, thanks for the suggested plugin break-up. So, we have Sky Patrol, Variable Stars Database, and Photometry Database.
VSX links to the first of these (Sky Patrol) which is V data. The format of this has changed in recent times, so the current (not formally released) plugin needs to be modified to handle this change. Correct?
Should I modify the exiting Sky Patrol plugin to conform to the current format? Or is that going to change again?
Other than this, I will wait for Tharindu's post re: data format changes.
Hi David,
I've made some changes (improvements) in the "ASASSNObservationSource" plugin to support new multifilter format (currently V and g). This is a preliminary version only (I would better check it and probably make some extension). The source and jar with the class are here (compiled with Java8 target):
I've also added a possibility to specify the maximum error while loading, so the plugin can generate six different datasets at most:
// 1) Normal V
// 2) Normal g
// 3) 5 sigma limit V
// 4) 5 sigma limit g
// 5) user-defined excluded V
// 6) user-defined excluded g
See also a picture attached.
Best regards,
Hi All,
Hi David,
I've made some additional improvements in the "ASASSNObservationSource" plugin.
I’ve included extended “parameters” dialog.
This dialog allows:
* To specify error limit for observations to load
* To specify what band to load from ASAS-SN multiband file (V, g, 5 sigma / excluded)
* It is also possible to load “ASAS-SN V” as “Johnson V” and “ASAS-SN g” as “Sloan g”. It would be useful in a situation when ASAS-SN data are merged with others V or g data for subsequent analysis.
The source (.java) and compiled (with Java8 target) plugin (.jar) are here:
Best regards,
Hi Max
Apologies for the delayed response.
First, thank you! This is awesome.
I will have a proper look at this ASAP and incorporate the code into VStar and then ask for assistance from others in testing the plugin further.
One thing that will be useful: do you have particular examples of ASAS-SN data you have tested with?
I'll be in contact soon.
Thanks again!
Hi David,
No problem, we all have little spare time :)
I've uploaded the test data to the shared folder
The files light_curve_c28406c2-133e-4bbb-8e56-be5ba591475b.csv and light_curve_c3a636cc-2577-4a40-9fba-94433a535bec.csv are light curves of "my" variables PMAK V22 and PMAK V14 respectively. Links to those curves are still valid on SkyPatrol site… and…
There is also another format of ASASS-SN data used for precompiled light curves of known ASAS-SN variables (see discussion above). I think I could extend the plugin to make it load the second format, too. The plugin could recognize a format by the first line of a file (column headers).
See also pictures attached.
Best regards,
Thanks Max!
I'll get to this later today.
I've been pre-occupied by helping my daughter with math and science problems for much of the weekend.![laugh](//
Further extension of the plugin to handle the second format would be wonderful too.
Hi Max
Again, sorry for the delay.
I've incorporated your code into my working copy and will commit it to svn shortly.
It works perfectly with the test files you supplied.
The source code changes look great! Is it okay if I add "New" before "Star" in getDescription() for consistency with other obs source menu items?
Thanks so much for this!
I've had some people testing VStar in recent times (Dave Hinzel and Cliff Klotnik) so I'll pass this on for further testing. Let me know if you have more additions as you indicated you may for the other format.
Hi David,
Yes, it's ok to change the getDescription() for consistency!
Hi All,
Hi David,
I've updated the "ASASSNObservationSource" plugin again.
1) Now it supports not only SkyPatrol CSV files (generated by request using SkyPatrol service but also ASAS-SN photometry database CSV files (see, for example, Precompiled light curves from this database have a different format. You can specify required format while loading (see picture attached) or use “Auto” mode (in this mode the plugin recognizes a format by header row; if the row is missing or corrupted a user should specify a format manually)
2) A possibility of loading observations in “Unknown filters” have been added. Currently, ASAS-SN uses V and g filters (the last column in SkyPatrol files of the new format, the old format does not have this column -- it is assumed that in this case, all records are in V filter). So, if any additional filters are added, the plugin at least can show those observations (as “Unknown”)).
It seems that the plugin works correctly however I will run additional tests.
The source (.java) and compiled (with Java8 target) plugin (.jar) are here:
Best regards,
Consider the star ASAS J035812+1629.7. I downloaded both the precomputed light curve and also the on demand light curve data. I imported them using your plugin. The precomp points are colored blue in the attached phase plot.
Do you know why they are so different?
Hi Cliff,
First, to be sure that it is not a plugin artifact, I’ve recreated both “on-demand” and “precompiled” light curves, removed all extra columns (except of date, magnitude and error columns) to make the data loadable trough standard “New star from file...” (plus I’ve added dummy ObsCode column for filtering). I’ve got the same picture: precompiled and on-demand data are quite different.
The star is too bright, it is above a saturation limit of ASAS-SN cameras (see They are using different photometry approach for precompiled and on-demand data (see post #18 in this thread). As far as the star images are saturated, both approaches could give pretty rough results. Probably this explains the difference.
Note that for both curves variability range differs from one specified in VSX (…).
Best regards,
P.S. Please see data files and image attached,
Thanks Max!
I've committed the code to the svn repo.
Do you want me to pass the plugin on for additional testing or wait awhile?
Hi David,
Thank you!
I'm using ASAS-SN data quite frequently so if I found bugs I will fix them. Obviously, independend testing would be very useful.
Best regards,
Thanks Max.
I've passed this along to Dave and Cliff.
Out of curiosity and just so I can understand how each person is developing plugins, did you:
What build method did you use? e.g. build.xml, javac on the command-line, an IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans, ...?
Hi David,
Currently, I'm using javac compiler directly under Windows (and Notepad++ as the simplest IDE), for the simple one-file plugin it is adequate. However, I plan to use more convenient tools in the future,
I'm thinking also about developing a simple plugin to load slightly extended text data file (having the same fields as simple VStar text file plus filter column and with additional directives (except #NAME) to specify, for example, style of a date column (HJD instead of Julian Days), default photometry filter used and, probably, some additional features. Currently, all data loaded from text files are represented as "Unspecified" filter so it is impossible to directly join data from text files with data from other sources (V magnitudes from AID, for example).
Also, I plan to investigate VStar code to try to find sources of some small yet annoying bugs (one of them: when a user selects a file using open file dialog, there is no difference between OK and Cancel button: even when a user presses Cancel, the program tries to open a file; other bugs occurred when a user tries to use both DFT and AoV tools (I've already written about it however I still have not described a way leads to the error)).
Just now I've connected to VStar SVN and downloaded head revision from the trunk.
Best regards,
Hi Max,
Thanks for the enhancements to the ASAS-SN plugin. I find that source a good one.
I wonder if you have looked at the AAVSO download format? VStar will open this format from the "New Star from File" menu item. It has support for filters. The format also has a provision for HJD although I have not tested exactly how VStar handles this. Attached is a file in this format that I obtained by doing a save from the VStar observations pane after importing an ASAS-SN on demand light curve file with your enhanced plugin.
Perhaps it would be better to enhance VStar's support for this format rather than create a new one.
best regards,
Hi Cliff,
You are right, creating new file format in most cases is not necessary (it's like Occam's razor: "entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily" :) ).
I'm aware of AAVSO download format (and of AAVSO upload format which has less number of columns).
They allow us to solve the problem with bands, yet they have many strict requirements (number of columns, demanded values, etc.). In a situation when I need to load a small set of my observations they are inconvenient. This is because I'm thinking about the more flexible plugin.
Best regards,
Hi Max
Your scrutiny of the codebase is welcome as is the analysis of bugs.
There are plenty of issues (bugs and features) in the tracker to choose from as you've no doubt seen:
Your work is appreciated.
I downloaded the ASAS-SN plug-in but it is telling me there are "no observations for that specified period" when I try to import the data. Am I saving it in the wrong format? I tried saving as csv format from the photometry page. What silly little thing am I forgetting to do? Screen caps always welcomed :)
FYI I am using Windows as an operating system.
Could you please send me your data to check?
I've made some improvements in the ASAS-SN plugin to support the new data format provided by ASAS-SN sky patrol server, this updated version will be probably included in the next release of VStar (should ask David Benn). If you use an old version, new data will not be accepted. You can try the new version from here:
If you decide to try the new version of the plugin, please remove an old one!
Best regards,
I deleted the old one (or so I thought) and then downloaded the file you gave me above and got the same error. Now I can't delete the plug-in from my plug-in manager. Here is the file in two formats. Thanks
If you use updated ASAS-SN plugin, you will see a dialog like in the attached picture. Otherwise, the old one is still in use. Try to close VStar, go to c:\Users\<your_username>\vstar_plugins folder and delete manually. Then load the new plugin ( from a location I specified in my previous message and put it into c:\Users\<your_username>\vstar_plugins.
Then please try again.
I've successfully loaded your data (Copy of AP44155999.csv, tab-separated data are not currently supported by the plugin), they are in the background of the picture.
By the way, ASAS-SN team stated that "nominally our bright saturation limit is between 10th and 11th magnitude (V-band)", see
They do a trick to get information from partially saturated data (see link above) however, I suspect, the data is not too accurate for such a bright star.
I deleted and reloaded the new file into the same folder as all my other plugins, it shows as an option on the intro screen, I get the screen you showed me but no light curve. Instead I get an error dialogue box:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, Could not initialize class
What dumb thing did I do now?
Strange... By the way, what version of VStar do you use? (displayed in the main window title)?
I've tested the plugin with stable release 2.20.0 under Windows 10.
The same VStar release and operating system as you.
I give up... Probably it's time to ask David...
The last check: could you please check size and time of VStar.jar and ?
The exact size of my vstar.jar is 1063562 bytes, *.ASASSNObservationSource.jar is 11425 bytes.
See also a picture attached for date/time of the files (time may differ, I suspect, due to different local times)
Best regards,
Maybe it is because I am running VStar off the AAVSO website and not off my computer? The ASAS plug in and others work just fine that way. I tried downloading VStar from source forge onto my desktop but the Cyber security gods deemed it a security risk and would not let me install it.
Went back to laptop (which I can install outside software directly on) and installed VStar from SourceForge and everything is working just fine (for the moment). Thanks for all your help!!!!!)
It's great! Probably there are some subtle compatibility issues with uptated plugin which was compiled separately. I do not know the reasons, probably David can comment this situation.
Hi Kristine
Glad it's working for you on at least one machine. Thank you Max for helping Kristine.
I was about to suggest making the new plugin version available via the Plugin Manager before the next release. We may still be able to wait. It's getting closer... Really. :)
I'm at a loss to explain the WebStart problem you saw Kristine, although I have seen that error in a WebStart context reported before.
Dear friends, I have another problem importing data from ASAS-SN. About half a year ago, there was a change in the data format and David had thankfully adapted the import filter. Today I notice that when importing current data, there is the message "No observations for the specified period". Am I making a mistake or has the data format changed again?
2457071.15742 2015-02-17.6611231 ba V 1.76 15.825 13.791 0.034 11.678 0.363
2457071.15882 2015-02-17.6625155 ba V 1.72 15.820 13.767 0.033 11.941 0.365
2457074.16446 2015-02-20.6679627 ba V 1.80 15.435 13.972 0.057 9.884 0.517
2457074.16587 2015-02-20.6693673 ba V 1.98 15.228 13.875 0.063 10.805 0.624
2457078.14061 2015-02-24.6438311 ba V 1.64 15.858 13.157 0.019 20.946 0.361
2457078.14207 2015-02-24.6453055 ba V 1.79 15.773 13.139 0.020 21.311 0.391
2457079.13217 2015-02-25.6353129 ba V 2.02 16.095 14.004 0.032 9.598 0.283
2457080.13519 2015-02-26.6382677 ba V 1.79 15.232 13.400 0.049 16.737 0.760
2457084.12305 2015-03-02.6258291 ba V 2.08 15.866 13.970 0.038 9.907 0.348
2457084.12445 2015-03-02.6272464 ba V 2.08 15.923 13.944 0.035 10.147 0.332
2457085.12373 2015-03-03.6264335 ba V 2.15 15.560 13.355 0.029 17.464 0.465
2457085.12514 2015-03-03.6278371 ba V 2.15 15.818 13.335 0.022 17.775 0.368
2457103.09625 2015-03-21.5978231 ba V 1.78 15.834 13.073 0.018 22.639 0.370
2457103.09787 2015-03-21.5994361 ba V 1.79 15.813 13.061 0.018 22.899 0.378
2457104.10910 2015-03-22.6105787 ba V 1.60 16.126 13.891 0.028 10.657 0.276
2457104.11072 2015-03-22.6122013 ba V 1.85 15.950 13.919 0.034 10.384 0.323
Best wishes