2019 AAVSO 108th Annual Meeting

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 07/10/2019 - 19:51


Meeting Registration

Registration is now open on the website. You can register today.  It helps the staff immensely to get a good idea of how many members will be attending the 108th Annual Meeting in advance so we can budget for food, plan room set ups and organize the field trips to APO and Sack Peak.


Where are our early birds?? Please take a few moments and submit your abstract. Each abstract we can publish in advance gives prospective attendees an idea of what they can learn and who they can connect with at the Meeting. 

Hotel Accommodations

Please book your room today if you plan on staying at the Meeting hotel. 90% of our group block is booked as of today.

Meeting sponsors and raffle prizes

If you have any connections to businesses who sell astronomy related products please let them know that the AAVSO has opportunities for them to showcase their products as Meeting sponsors. Let them know that as a customer you would appreciate their support of the AAVSO!

We are looking for a Platinum Sponsor and 4 Silver Sponsors.

We have two great Gold Sponsors committed; DC-3 Dreams and Diffraction Limited.

Many thanks for all you do for the AAVSO. Contact me if you have any questions.


Kathy Spirer

AAVSO Operations Manager

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
AAVSO Annual Meeting in Las Cruces - talks and posters

The AAVSO Annual Meeting in Las Cruces, NM, is fast approaching! A tentative schedule will be posted soon.

If you are planning to attend the meeting, we encourage you to share your work, whether as a talk or as a poster.

There are a limited number of slots available for talks, and we are already receiving abstracts. If you are planning on giving a talk, please register for the meeting and submit your abstract as soon as possible. Once the speaker slots are filled, all additional presentations will have to be as posters.

All abstracts (talks and posters) must be received no later than September 24, 2019. We have to ship printed materials for meeting attendees in advance of the meeting, so we must have your abstract by this date.

All talks must be in PowerPoint, and all final PowerPoint presentations must be sent to AAVSO (aavso@aavso.org) no later than October 5, 2019 (no exceptions). Also, if you have embedded video material, please be sure to send it with your PowerPoint presentation. Many thanks.

Whether or not you are giving a talk or presenting a poster, please register (early registration fee through September 15) and book your hotel room as soon as possible (space is filling up).

To register, submit an abstract, or book a hotel room, please start here: https://www.aavso.org/las-cruces-annual-meeting

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Las Cruces -
Best wishes,
Elizabeth Waagen