American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 05/16/2013 - 13:20

I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as a new member of AAVSO.


I'm Ron Kuzava, a 2nd year Double Major in Chemistry/Physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.  I am planning on pursing a PhD in Astrophysics down the road as well.


My primary interests as far as the AAVSO goes, is data analysis of light curves, but I have absolutely no experience in doing so.  I'm planning on devoting some time to learning this process over the summer, and I would be very grateful for any and all tips, pointers, and guidance that the more experienced members can offer.


Thanks for having me,



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Hi Ron,

Welcome to the AAVSO.  I live about 25 miles west of Chicago and would be happy to help you get started in the wonderful world of variable stars.  I am a visual observer and a member of the AAVSO mentoring group.  Please feel free to contact me.  My e-mail address is


Hello, Ron. I have been

Hello, Ron. I have been observing variable stars for the AAVSO for the past twenty years and I became addicted to it. I think you will enjoy it.


Mark Bradbury, Greenwood, IN


  Hello and welcome, Ron! I started reporting variable star estimates to the AAVSO back in the 1980's right after high school. My first 300 or so were made in the back yard where I grew up about 40 miles east of Chicago. I don't have much experience with anything but visual observing, but you'll find all the good advice and support that you need here to pursue your interests.

  Paul (ZPA)

  Indianapolis, IN, USA

Data analysis

Hi Ron, & welcome to the AAVSO!

I can point you two places to start if you are interested more in analysis of data than in observing. One is our new forum for Data Analysis, which is slowly organizing itself.  More participants are certainly welcome, as are ideas for new projects.  The other is our page of data analysis resources, which includes a few links to various tutorials and other presentations that the AAVSO community has put together.

Clear skies, & again welcome!
