comparison stars

Special Notice #373: Comparison star changed for HD 15407A

October 24, 2013: HD 15407A is one of the targets in the current observing campaign by Huan Meng and Dr. George Rieke (runs through December 2013; see AAVSO Alert Notice 482). The very nearby star marked 96 (HD 15407B, AUID 000-BKY-170) was selected as the comparison star for this target. However, it has been found that the published magnitude of this star is questionable, and the astronomers have withdrawn it as the comparison.

Charts and Sequences Updates September 2012

The latest release of APASS has allowed us to create new sequences and improve older sequences for hundreds of stars.

If you would like to request a new comparison star sequence for a star that currently does not have one please see the instructions for doing so located here.

If you find an error or have issues with an existing sequence, please submit those to CHET.

List of target, comparison, and check stars for PEP-V observations

The link below contains the list of current stars in the PEP database.  V band observations of these stars may be reduced via the PEPObs web tool.  This list is also used by the BVI reduction spreadsheet.

Click here to obtain a comma-separated (.csv) list of PEP target, comparison, and check stars.  This file evolves over time.  The current version is as of October 3, 2020. A "Change Log" can be found here.

The format of the lines is as follows: