eclipsing binary

Alert Notice 700: EE Cep observing campaign 2020-2021

Note:  Please continue observations at a cadence of 1 observation per week at least through 2021 June 15. See the post by Principal Investigator Dariusz Kubicki in the forum threads for this campaign (URLs below).  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 2020 June 29


The eclipse of EE Cep has occurred but continued monitoring is requested to establish post-eclipse behavior.  - Elizabeth O. Waagen, 2020 May 21

Alert Notice 594: Correction to Alert Notice 593

August 17, 2017: In AAVSO Alert Notice 593 we announced a campaign on the very long period VV Cep M2Iabe+B0/2Ve binary. The amplitude of the eclipse was wrongly given as slightly under a magnitude in the V band when it is actually around 0.1 mag. This means that the VV Cep eclipse is largely undetectable visually,  and is not a good candidate for visual observations. CCD and DSLR photometry, however, are still encouraged.

Alert Notice 593: VV Cep eclipse monitoring requested

Edit: The information given in this alert notice has been updated to correct eclipse depth values. Please see AAVSO Alert Notice 594

August 16, 2017: The AAVSO is requesting monitoring of the eclipse of the very bright Algol-type eclipsing binary variable VV Cep, predicted to have begun in June 2017 and to conclude in November 2019.

Alert Notice 581: Monitoring HD 148703 during upcoming eclipses

June 8, 2017:  Dr. Milena Ratajczak (University of Wrocław) has requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring the very bright (V = 4.23) and very unusual eclipsing binary HD 148703 (HR 6143, N Sco) during its infrequent primary and secondary eclipses scheduled for 2017 June 11 and June 14, respectively.

Special Notice #35: Eclipse of HD74057

February 24, 2007

Don Davies discovered a 7th magnitude eclipsing binary (GSC 02484-00592, HD74057, VSX J084246.2+315145) in May, 2005, announced on our discussion group (posting 5/27/2005), and subsequently published in Peremennye Zvezdy:

The coordinates are
08:42:45.900 +31:51:41.00 J2000
and the approximate magnitude is V=7.18, with (B-V) = 0.56

Special Notice #406: KIC 02856960 entering eclipse window

August 7, 2015:  Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 525, we are entering the critical period of observations for KIC 02856960.  Time series observations are urgently requested for this eclipsing binary beginning immediately (2015 August 07, JD 2457242) and continuing for the next five days, through the end of 2015 August 12.