irregular variables

Suggested Observing Cadences for Variable Star Types

Something you need to consider carefully, and a question that comes up often with new observers is "How often should I observe my program stars?" The answers depend largely on the type of stars you are observing. The following table is a general guideline. As you learn more about the different types of variables, and the personalities of some of the specific stars you choose to observe, you may decide to observe them more or less often than suggested here.

Variable Type

Alert Notice 427: Observing campaign on BM Ori and the Trapezium region

November 23, 2010: The AAVSO requests ground-based observations of the Trapezium region of the Orion Nebula (M42), along with surrounding regions in Orion, in conjunction with upcoming observations with the MOST Satellite.  All AAVSO observers are encouraged to participate in this project, and we are requesting observations for a number of different targets from both instrumental and visual observers.