
Alert Notice 645: Monitoring of LPVs for Maser Study

Note: This campaign has been extended to October 2020 and the list of targets has been revised. Please see AAVSO Alert Notice 687 for details. - Elizabeth O. Waagen, December 4, 2019

July 31, 2018: Michael Stroh (Ph.D. candidate, University of New Mexico) requests AAVSO assistance in monitoring 19 LPVs in support of a VLA campaign studying SiO masers. AAVSO monitoring begins now and goes through October 2019.

Special Notice #69: Update on AN 358 Mira monitoring campaign

September 20, 2007: As announced in AAVSO Alert Notice 358, we are approaching the scheduled HST observing time for omi Cet (AAVSO 0214-03). Observations are currently planned for 2007 September 23, 19:00-23:30 UT. Dr. Margarita Karovska (CfA) and collaborators are using HST to observe Mira AB and study the behavior of the mass flow and mass transfer within this system. Optical observations -- visual and instrumental -- are requested for this campaign.