Visual Observing Manual - Spanish
Manual Completo - Edición Revisada 2013
Manual para la Observación Visual de Estrellas Variables (5.5 MB)
any content that aids in observing practices
Manual Completo - Edición Revisada 2013
Manual para la Observación Visual de Estrellas Variables (5.5 MB)
Predicted Dates of Maxima and Minima of 381 Long Period Variables for 2018
What is Julian Date?
Compute the JD or UT yourself
To convert from JD to calendar date enter the Julian Date below:
(Jump to Reporting Possible Nova Discoveries)
Predicted Dates of Maxima and Minima of 381 Long Period Variables for 2017
Complete Manual - 2013 edition
Handbuch zur Beobachtung von veränderlichen Sternen (6.1 MB)
Predicted Dates of Maxima and Minima of 381 Long Period Variables for 2016
A Greek translation of The AAVSO DSLR Observing Manual is now available for download.
Many thanks to Mr. Stelios Kleidis for his tremendous volunteer effort in creating this excellent translation.