
Special Notice #273: Possible Nova in Ophiuchus = PNV J17260708-2551454 [V2676 Oph]

March 28, 2012:  A possible nova in Ophiuchus [V2676 Oph] was announced on the IAU CBAT Transient Objects Confirmation Page (TOCP) page with the name PNV J17260708-2551454. It was discovered by H. Nishimura (Shizuoka-ken, Japan) at unfiltered magnitude 12.1 on 2012 March 25.789 UT on three frames using Canon 200-mm f/3.2 lens + Canon EOS 5D Digital Camera. Spectra suggest that the object is an Fe II-type classical nova.

Coordinates: 17 26 07.01  -25 51 42.69 (J2000.0)