Two observer names in LCG plotted if possible?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 11/23/2015 - 23:20

I have recently run into trying to determine if two observers with time-series observations plotted on the LCG have an offset to each other and would like to see overlapping data from each observer individually identified, since sometimes data is several observers deep.  Currently, you can only ID one observer for display - two (or more) would be so useful for a quick-look comparison.

Can this be done?


Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Variable Star Section (RASNZ-VSS)
Two observer names in LCG plotted if possible?

Hi Rick
I don't know if it's possible, but I would download the data as csv files and import into EXCEL and graph from there.
Stephen [HSP]

identifying multiple observers

Hi Rick,

The current LCG does not have the ability to identify two different observers simultaneously.  I agree that this would be a neat function, and perhaps if there is a call for new features when the LCG is updated, you could add this to the queue.

You can quickly identify one observer after another without redrawing a plot if you use the Zapper tool:

(and at the same time, help staff identify discrepant points!).  Otherwise, I'm not sure how it could be done with existing AAVSO tools.  You can certainly do one observer after another with LCG, keeping the scaling the same, and maybe find some off-line way of overlaying the two plots.  Perhaps someone with more experience can step forward!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Plotting Two Observers


You should be able to accomplish this with VStar.



Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Pattern Search

Indeed, further to Barbara's reply, one approach with VStar would be a pattern search in the observation list pane of the form: obscode1|obscode2

Please let us know if you need help.


pattern search

Hi David,

I knew about the pattern search, but I thought that would just highlight both observers, not give one observer one color and another observer a different color so that you could see how they overlap.  Perhaps you can give an example of how to do this?  That is why I was leaning towards more complex methods.


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Create series from filters

Hi Arne

Understood. It's probably not commonly used yet.

The procedure is this, using R Car as an example:

  • Load R Car from AID; default JD range is fine.
  • Use the pattern search in observation list: BDJB|PEX (or any other you choose).
  • Sort by observer code column (by clicking on the column header in the obs list pane).

  • Multiple-select (e.g. click one row, then shift-click the last row to be included) one observer's obs, e.g. BDJB in this case and create a selection filter. Do the same for the other obscode's observations. We now have two filters. Be sure to give each filter a name, e.g. BDJB or PEX.

  • Go to the View menu and select Previous Filters...

  • Click Create Series for each filter, again, giving each a name such as BDJB and PEX.

  • Switch to the plot pane and in View -> Plot Control, uncheck all check boxes except the 2 new series.

Ideally it would be nice to cut out the series creation step and just add the ability to display two filters directly at once. You can of course, via the Previous Filters dialog, switch between two filters at will. Note that in this example, you could just create the two selection filters, create a series for one arbitrarily, then show that and the other filter via checkbox selections in the plot control dialog.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Second Observer Plotted

Thanks, all, for the guidance.  It seems quite complicated in VStar, but I'll try it, since the data remains nicely formatted for use with better tools. Excel seems easier and faster for a "quick-look", though.

(Hey - to a guy that still writes code in Basic,  adding a second plotted observer is only a "3-line change", huh?!  

;-) rick


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
BASIC reminiscences

Hi Glenn, Rick

BASIC was 50 last year. It has a special place in my heart too. I wrote a BASIC compiler for the Amiga in the 90s.

You may enjoy my BASIC 50th anniversary (last year) reminiscences article:
