Note: This page, together with the AAVSO Target Tool Alerts/Campaigns target list, replaces the following AAVSO webpages: AAVSO Alert Notice Archive, AAVSO Special Notice Archive, and the original Observing Campaigns webpage. - July 2017
Active AAVSO Alert Notices
There are two types of AAVSO Alert Notices:
- Observing Campaign
- to announce an observing campaign of short or long duration on one or more astronomical objects, at the request of an astronomer or the AAVSO;
- to provide additional information about a campaign or the target of a previous Alert Notice
- Object of Interest
- to announce the discovery of an object such as a nova or a bright supernova;
- to report on noteworthy or unusual stellar behavior
An AAVSO Alert Notice for an observing campaign is issued as soon as a professional astronomer tells the AAVSO about a new, urgent need for special variable star observations, usually in connection with their research.
An AAVSO Alert Notice for an object of interest is issued in response to a discovery or other stellar activity that AAVSO HQ believes warrants in-depth coverage.
By subscribing* (free of charge) to the Alert Notices, you will receive them in your email inbox so that you can contribute crucial observations when they are most needed!
* To subscribe to the Alert Notices, go to "My account" at the top right of the home page, once you have logged in to your AAVSO account (also free). Then click the "Email Settings" tab. Check the box next to "Alert Notices", and save your settings.
AAAVSO Alert Notices are also posted on the AAVSO website.
Below are links to AAVSO Alert Notices, ordered by issue number with the most recent issue first. Links are also given to AAVSO Special Notices, which were issued when needed (now discontinued) to provide supplemental information about an observing campaign or a discovery, or to provide information about other stellar activity. Observers should use the page below, along with information in the AAVSO Target Tool Alerts/Campaigns target list (button at right), t
Note that a Special Notice is located under the Alert Notice with which it is associated. Special Notices that are not associated with events covered in Alert Notices are listed at the end of the year in which they were issued. Please note that, as of July 2017, AAVSO Special Notices are no longer being issued.
The format below is date (yyyymmdd), Alert or Special Notice number, Alert or Special Notice title/subject. (Missing dates to be added.)
For Alert Notices and associated Special Notices, jump to: Active, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, PEP Alert Notices, un-numbered Alert Notices
For AAVSO Special Notices that are not associated with AAVSO Alert Notices, jump to SpNt2017, SpNt2016, SpNt2015, SpNt2014, SpNt2013, SpNt2012, SpNt2011, SpNt2010, SpNt2009, SpNt2008, SpNt2007, SpNt2006, SpNt2005.
ACTIVE before the date means that the observing campaign is active or that the target of an object of interest Alert Notice warrants continued coverage. All active Alert Notices for campaigns or objects of interest are grouped together below. When the campaign is concluded or the target no longer warrents coverage, the Alert Notice will be moved to the year in which it was issued.
Active Alert Notices for Observing Campaigns and Objects of Interest
- ACTIVE 0201028 Alert Notice 723 - Photometry and Spectroscopy requested for UXOR ASASSN-V J181654.06-202117.6
- ACTIVE 20201005 Alert Notice 722 - N Sgr 2020 No. 4 = PNV J17545999-2122401 [V6593 Sgr]
- ACTIVE 20201001 Alert Notice 721 - Anticipated secondary eclipse of b Persei centered on October 26 2020 UT
- ACTIVE 20200913 Alert Notice 720 - Photometry requested for SS Cyg
- ACTIVE 20200826 Alert Notice 719 - Light curves for symbiotic star ASAS J190559-2109.4
- ACTIVE 20200826 Alert Notice 718 - Monitoring requested for Aquila X-1 (V1333 Aql) outburst
- ACTIVE 20200817 Alert Notice 717 - Flaring of blazar S5 1803+78 continues
- ACTIVE 20200814 Alert Notice 716 - XMM-Newton observing five T Tau stars
- ACTIVE 20200813 Alert Notice 715 - N Cas 2020 = TCP J00114297+6611190
- ACTIVE 20200806 Alert Notice 714 - TCP J21040470+4631129 to be observed with HST
- ACTIVE 20200716 Alert Notice 711 - Nova in Reticulum: MGAB-V207 = N Ret 2020 [YZ Ret]
- ACTIVE 20200617 Alert Notice 707 - Campaign Monitoring of the Helium double peak emission at 6678 Å in gamma Cas - Update to Alert Notice 694
- ACTIVE 20200608 Alert Notice 706 - Nova in Sagittarius: ASASSN-20ga
- ACTIVE 20200529 Alert Notice 705 - Rare outburst of the WZ Sge star PQ And (Nova And 1988)
- ACTIVE 20200224 Alert Notice 700 - EE Cep observing campaign 2020-2021
- ACTIVE 20200203 Alert Notice 696 - R Aqr photometry (especially B) and spectroscopy needed
- ACTIVE 20200203 Alert Notice 695 - HST to observe V694 Mon (MWC 560)
- ACTIVE 20200124 Alert Notice 693 - V582 Mon monitoring requested
- ACTIVE 20200108 Alert Notice 691 - Request for immediate photometric monitoring of the fading star ASASSN-V J060000.76-310027.83
- ACTIVE 20191204 Alert Notice 687 - LPV Maser campaign extended through October 2020
- ACTIVE 20191101 Alert Notice 684 - Photometry requested for campaign on V1491 Cyg
- ACTIVE 20190918 Alert Notice 680 - Monitoring of J0139 (ZTF J013906.17+524536.89) requested
- ACTIVE 20190719 Alert Notice 672 - Monitoring needed of KIC 8462852 (Tabby's Star)
- ACTIVE 20180824 Alert Notice 649 - Dwarf nova outburst of GK Per (N Per 1901)
- ACTIVE 20180814 Alert Notice 648 - Semiregular variable reclassified as symbiotic: outburst of ASASSN-V J195442.95+172212.6 = Vend47 (Sge)
- ACTIVE 20180727 Alert Notice 644 - FO Aqr monitoring for faint-state study
- ACTIVE - 20180511 Alert Notice 634 - Nightly monitoring requested for V1280 Sco = N Sco 2007
- ACTIVE - 20180430 Alert Notice 633 - Nova outburst of V392 Per = TCP J04432130+4721280
- ACTIVE 20180424 Alert Notice 631 - Coverage requested for current outburst of AG Dra
- ACTIVE 20170807 Alert Notice 590 - V1117 Her observations requested
- ACTIVE 20170721 Alert Notice 588 - Long-term CCD monitoring of ER UMa-type variable DDE 48 in Vulpecula
- ACTIVE 20151020 Alert Notice 532 - Observations requested for KIC 08462852
- ACTIVE 20150623 Alert Notice 521 - Very rare outburst of the symbiotic variable AG Peg
- ACTIVE 20150324 Alert Notice 514 - RW Aur monitoring requested
- ACTIVE 20140806 Alert Notice 503 - Request for regular monitoring of the symbiotic variable RT Cru
- ACTIVE 20131203 Alert Notice 492 - Nova Centauri 2013 = PNV J13544700-5909080 [V1369 Cen]
- ACTIVE 20130816 Alert Notice 489 - Nova Delphini 2013 = PNV J20233073+2046041 [V339 Del]
- ACTIVE 20120625 Alert Notice 462 - Monitoring of J1407 for next extrasolar ring system transit
- ACTIVE 20110527 Alert Notice 441 - Monitoring of Bright Giant Variables requested in support of ground-based spectroscopy and for long-term study
- ACTIVE 20110517 Alert Notice 440 - PEP Observing Campaign on P Cygni
- ACTIVE 20090226 Special Notice #148 - Long-term monitoring of the suspected white dwarf binary V1412 Aql
- ACTIVE 20080502 Alert Notice 377 - Request extended to observe HMXBs in support of radial velocity observations
2020 Alert Notices
- 20200803 Alert Notice 713 - Unusual Nova in Aquila: N Aql 2020 No. 2 = AT 2020qpq = PGIR20eig
- 20200717 Alert Notice 712 - Nova in Sagittarius: N Sgr 2020 No. 3 = PNV J17580848-3005376 [V6568 Sgr]
- 20200714 Alert Notice 710 - Monitoring requested for UXOR ASASSN-V J181654.06-202117.6
- 20200702 Alert Notice 709 - Supernova in NGC 4457 (Vir) - SN 2020nvb (= AT 2020nvb = ATLAS20rvf)
- 20200617 Alert Notice 708 - Test exposures requested for symbiotic binary candidates
- 20200506 Alert Notice 704 - Exoplanet candidate observation alert for TYC 2483-160-1
- 20200402 Alert Notice 703 - REVISED - TCP J21040470+4631129 spectroscopy and photometry urgently requested [note: Alert Notice 703 originally issued 20200401]
- 20200327 Alert Notice 702 - TCP J21040470+4631129 to be observed with HST [replaced by Alert Notice 714]
- 20200224 Alert Notice 701 - Nova in Serpens: Nova Ser 2020 = N Ser 2020 = TCP J18104219-1534184 [V670 Ser]
- 20200214 Alert Notice 699 - V386 Ser HST observing schedule revised
- 20200207 Alert Notice 698 - V386 Ser to be observed with HST
- 20200204 Alert Notice 697 - Nova in Sagittarius: V6566 Sgr = N Sgr 2020 = PNV J17561375-2942546
- 20200131 Alert Notice 694 - Spectroscopy of gamma Cas requested
- 20200122 Alert Notice 692 - V694 Mon (MWC 560) to be observed with Chandra
- 20200106 Alert Notice 690 - Rare very faint minimum of Betelgeuse (alpha Ori)
- 20200103 Alert Notice 689 - R Aqr monitoring needed in support of HST and Chandra observations
2019 Alert Notices
- 20191220 Alert Notice 688 - Anticipated primary eclipse of b Persei in January 2020
- 20191119 Alert Notice 686 - B-band photometry of TYC 2597-735-1 urgently needed
- 20191108 Alert Notice 685 - EM Cyg monitoring requested
- 20191101 Alert Notice 683 - Nova in Scutum = V659 Sct (N Sct 2019 = ASASSN-19aad, TCP J18395972-102541)
- 20191016 Alert Notice 682 - Observing campaign on Polars
- 20190918 Alert Notice 681 - Photometry of more symbiotic candidates requested
- 20190916 Alert Notice 679 - Nova in Scorpius: N Sco 2019 No. 2 = PNV J17370958-3510211
- 20190911 Alert Notice 678 - V694 Mon (MWC 560) photometry and spectroscopy requested
- 20190828 Alert Notice 677 - Recurrent nova V3890 Sgr in outburst
- 20190814 Alert Notice 676 - Nova in Orion: N Ori 2019 = PNV J06095740+1212255
- 20190802 Alert Notice 675 - V386 Ser - second rescheduling of HST observations
- 20190725 Alert Notice 674 - UU Aqr being observed with Chandra
- 20190725 Alert Notice 673 - SS Cyg photometry and spectroscopy requested to complement TESS monitoring
- 20190712 Alert Notice 671 - LQ Peg being observed with Chandra
- 20190709 Alert Notice 670 - KIC 2856960 time series coverage needed now
- 20190621 Alert Notice 669 - V386 Ser HST observations rescheduled
- 20190621 Alert Notice 668 - V1047 Cen (Nova Cen 2005) rebrightening
- 20190520 Alert Notice 667 - V386 Ser to be observed with HST
- 20190514 Alert Notice 666 - CRTS J105122.8+672528 observations needed urgently
- 20190419 Alert Notice 665 - R Aqr observations needed urgently
- 20190403 Alert Notice 664 - Monitoring recurrent nova U Sco to discover its imminent eruption
- 20190308 Alert Notice 663 - 1SWASP J022916.91-395901.4 being observed with Chandra
- 20190220 Alert Notice 662 - V818 Sco (Sco X-1) multiwavelength campaign
- 20190128 Alert Notice 661 - Correction to AAVSO Alert Notice 659 on KQ Mon
- 20190125 Alert Notice 660 - Targets modified for LPV Maser campaign
- 20190125 Alert Notice 659 - KQ Mon being observed with Chandra
2018 Alert Notices
- 20181203 Alert Notice 658 - EC 21178-5417 being observed with Chandra
- 20181121 Alert Notice 657 - HerbigAeBe stars need monitoring for Chandra observations
- 20181107 Alert Notice 656 - Chandra observation date revised for XZ Tau and HL Tau
- 20181030 Alert Notice 655 - Anticipated secondary eclipse of b Persei by its third star in November 2018
- 20181029 Alert Notice 654 - XZ Tau and HL Tau monitoring needed for Chandra observations
- 20181026 Alert Notice 653 - Nova in Norma: N Nor 2018 = PNV J16143400-5330050
- 20181011 Alert Notice 652 - Monitoring of nova-like variables in support of Chandra observations
- 20180927 Alert Notice 651 - Monitoring of T Pyx needed for HST observations
- 20180914 Alert Notice 650 - More symbiotic candidates for fast photometry
- 20180813 Alert Notice 647 - Nova in Ophiuchus - N Oph 2018 No. 3 = PNV J17422408-2053088
- 20180806 Alert Notice 646 - VW Hyi in outburst and monitoring needed for multiwavelength campaign
- 20180730 Alert Notice 645 - Monitoring of LPVs for Maser Study
- 20180725 Alert Notice 643 - Monitoring for Red Dots #2 campaign
- 20180724 Alert Notice 642 - ASASSN-18pe observing campaign
- 20180724 Alert Notice 641 - V1490 Cyg multiwavelength campaign
- 20180705 Alert Notice 640 - Immediate Monitoring of VW Hyi Requested
- 20180703 Alert Notice 639 - CH Cyg coverage requested
- 20180702 Alert Notice 638 - Nova in Scutum - N Sct 2018 = TCP J18292290-1430460
- 20180605 Alert Notice 637 - Nova in Lupus - N Lup 2018 = PNV J15384000-4744500
- 20180601 Alert Notice 636 - SDSS J141118.31+481257.6 rebrightening - photometry requested
- 20180525 Alert Notice 635 - Monitoring of SDSS J141118.31+481257.6 requested
- 20180425 Alert Notice 632 - Fast photometry of symbiotic candidates requested
- 20180411 Alert Notice 630 - Coverage needed TONIGHT for ASASSN-18ey = MAXI J1820+070
- 20180411 Alert Notice 629 - Nova in Sagittarius - N Sgr 2018 = PNV J18040967-1803581
- 20180329 Alert Notice 628 - HST observations scheduled for SDSS J153817.35+512338.0
- 20180326 Alert Notice 627 - Nova in Canis Major - N CMa 2018 = TCP J07134590-2112330
- 20180321 Alert Notice 626 - Nova in Carina - ASASSN-18fv
- 20180321 Alert Notice 625 - ASASSN-18ey = MAXI J1820+070 coverage needed for VLT and XMM
- 20180319 Alert Notice 624 - Observations requested for MAXI J1820+070 = ASASSN-18ey
- 20180316 Alert Notice 623 - Observations of V1017 Sgr requested
- 20180315 Alert Notice 622 - N Oph 2018 No. 2 = TCP J17140253-2849233 = PNV J17140261-2849237 [V3665 Oph]
- 20180315 Alert Notice 621 - Optical monitoring of NSV 24045 = HD 163296
- 20180314 Alert Notice 620 - Coverage of Nova LMC 1996 (OGLE-2018-NOVA-01) outburst needed now
- 20180306 Alert Notice 619 - Nova Ophiuchi 2018 = PNV J17244011-2421463
- 20180305 Alert Notice 618 - Monitoring SDSS J153817.35+512338.0 for HST observations
- 20180305 Alert Notice 617 - Multiwavelength observations of YZ Cnc, SU UMa, and CR Boo outbursts
- 20180213 Alert Notice 616 - Nova Sco 2018 No. 2 = PNV J16484962-4457032
- 20180212 Alert Notice 615 - ASASSN-18ca = PNV J00423439+4044255 - Probable Nova in M31
- 20180212 Alert Notice 614 - Monitoring of GW Lib to support XMM-Newton observation
- 20180131 Alert Notice 613 - Nova Cir 2018 - PNV J13532700-6725110 [FM Cir]
- 20180131 Alert Notice 612 - Nova Sco 2018 - PNV J17180658-3204279
- 20180126 Alert Notice 611 - Flaring of Blazar 3C 279
- 20180126 Alert Notice 610 - Anticipated primary eclipse of b Per by the third star
- 20180115 Alert Notice 609 - Nova Muscae 2018 - PNV J11261220-6531086
2017 Alert and Special Notices
- 20171201 Alert Notice 608 - TT Ari monitoring requested for VLA observations
- 20171201 Alert Notice 607 - MASTER OT J132104.04+560957.8 photometry urgently needed for XMM observations
- 20171116 Alert Notice 606 - Observing campaign on nova in Vela - ASASSN-17mt [V549 Vel = Nova Vel 2017]
- 20171114 Alert Notice 605 - Nova in Ophiuchus - PNV J17184504-2454221 [V3664 Oph]
- 20171031 Alert Notice 604 - CI Aql observations must be reported by 14:45 UT 2017 November 1
- 20171027 Alert Notice 603 - CI Aql HST observation scheduled for November 2
- 20171017 Alert Notice 602 - CE Tau observations requested to supplement BRITE-Constellation
- 20171010 Alert Notice 601 - V902 Mon observations needed to support XMM-Newton observation
- 20171001 Alert Notice 600 - Dates for R Aqr Chandra and HST observations
- 20171001 Alert Notice 599 - CI Aql monitoring needed in support of HST observations
- 20170906 Alert Notice 598 - Intermediate polar FO Aqr fading and photometry needed now
- 20170906 Alert Notice 597 - GW Lib time set for third HST observation
- 20170831 Alert Notice 596 - GW Lib time set for second HST observation
- 20170824 Alert Notice 595 - GW Lib time scheduled for first HST observation
- 20170817 Alert Notice 594 - Correction to Alert Notice 593
- 20170816 Alert Notice 593 - VV Cep eclipse monitoring requested
- 20170811 Alert Notice 592 - V404 Cyg observations needed tonight for Chandra observations
- 20170807 Alert Notice 591 - GW Lib observations requested in support of K2 and HST observations
- 20170804 Alert Notice 589 - R Aqr coverage needed for Chandra and HST observations
- 20170717 Alert Notice 587 - Observations of FI Vir (Ross 128) needed this week
- 20170707 Alert Notice 586 - Status of 20 cataclysmic variables needed for WHT campaign
- 20170630 Alert Notice 585 - Monitoring of Evryscope targets requested for follow-up
- 20170621 Alert Notice 584 - Monitoring of PDS 110 requested to cover upcoming eclipse by exoplanet
- 20170616 Alert Notice 583 - Photometry requested for Red Dots campaign
- 20170615 Alert Notice 582 - Nova Oph 2017 photometry requested for Swift TOO observations
- 20170608 Alert Notice 581 - Monitoring HD 148703 during upcoming eclipses
- 20170524 Alert Notice 580 - ASASSN-17fp rebrightening event and ongoing monitoring
- 20170524 Alert Notice 579 - KIC 8462852 optical dipping event
- 20170523 Alert Notice 578 - Nova in Centaurus - ASASSN-17gk
- 20170516 Alert Notice 577 - SN 2017eaw in NGC 6946 (PSN J20344424+6011359)
- 20170511 Alert Notice 576 - Nova in Ophiuchus - TCP J17394608-2457555
- 20170428 Alert Notice 575 - Monitoring of Swift J1357.2-0933 (CRTS J135716.8-093238) requested
- 20170425 Alert Notice 574 - Monitoring of EPIC 204278916 requested
- 20170406 Alert Notice 573 - V2492 Cyg monitoring requested in support of XMM-Newton observations
- 20170403 Alert Notice 572 - AG Dra monitoring requested
- 20170316 Alert Notice 571 - Observations Requested of Exoplanet Proxima Centauri b
- 20170307 Alert Notice 570 - NR TrA (Nova TrA 2008) monitoring in support of XMM observations
- 20170215 Alert Notice 569 - Monitoring 1SWASP J162117.36+441254.2 for HST observations
- 20170213 Alert Notice 568 - Nova in Scorpius - PNV J16521887-3754189 [V1657 Sco]
- 20170210 Alert Notice 567 - IM Nor monitoring requested for HST COS observations
- 20170131 Alert Notice 566 - Beta Pic observations requested for BRITE-Constellation
2017 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20170728 Special Notice #430 - AAVSO Special Notice is being discontinued
2016 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20161219 Alert Notice 565 - YZ Cnc Chandra observing campaign
- 20170125 Special Notice #428 - YZ Cnc Chandra observing window delayed
- 20170123 Special Notice #427 - Please continue YZ Cnc coverage for Chandra TOO observations
- 20161212 Alert Notice 564 - 21 Cataclysmic variables to be observed by William Herschel Telescope
- 20161202 Alert Notice 563 - Observations requested for b Per December 2016 eclipse
- 20161115 Alert Notice 562 - Photometry of V725 Tau needed immediately
- 20161028 Alert Notice 561 - Nova in Sagittarius = ASASSN-16ma = PNV J18205200-2822100 [V5856 Sgr]
- 20161024 Alert Notice 560 - TCP J18102829-2729590 = Nova in Sagittarius [V5855 Sgr]
- 20161019 Alert Notice 559 - Observations of CI Cam needed to support spectroscopy
- 20161019 Alert Notice 558 - CI Aql monitoring needed to support HST observations
- 20161017 Alert Notice 557 - MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8 = Nova in SMC (Tucana)
- 20161004 Alert Notice 556 - Monitoring of V2487 Oph requested
- 20161003 Alert Notice 554 - Observations of V420 Aur (HD 34921) needed to support spectroscopy
- 20161004 Alert Notice 555 - Correction to Alert Notice 554 on V420 Aur (HD 34921)
- 20160927 Alert Notice 553 - Nova Lup 2016 = PNV J15290182-4449409 = ASASSN-16kt [V407 Lup]
- 20160920 Alert Notice 552 - Gaia16aye microlensing event monitoring urgently requested
- 20160920 Alert Notice 551 - GDS_J1701281-430612 monitoring for HST observations
- 20160930 Special Notice #422 - GDS_J1701281-430612 HST observations scheduled
- 20160909 Alert Notice 550 - Nova Sco 2016 No. 2 = PNV J17225112-3158349 = ASASSN-16kd [V1656 Sco]
- 20161026 Special Notice #424 - Observations of V1656 Sco (ASASSN-16kd) needed during dust formation
- 20160901 Alert Notice 549 - RX And Chandra observing campaign
- 20161011 Special Notice #423 - RX And observations needed urgently now
- 20160818 Alert Notice 548 - AR Sco observing campaign
- 20160811 Alert Notice 547 - Nova Sgr 2016 No. 2 = ASASSN-16ig = TCP J18010780-2631434 [V5853 Sgr]
- 20160803 Alert Notice 546 - Campaign on V1687 Cyg (WR 140)
- 20160809 Special Notice #419 - V1687 Cyg spectroscopy and sequence and Subscription reminder
- 20160713 Alert Notice 545 - FO Aqr time-series observations requested
- 20161109 Special Notice #425 - FO Aqr XMM-Newton observations scheduled
- 20160613 Alert Notice 544 - Nova Scorpii 2016 = PNV J17381927-3725077 [V1655 Sco]
- 20160524 Alert Notice 543 - 20 Cataclysmic variables to be observed by William Herschel Telescope
- 20160525 Special Notice #416 - Extension to 20 CVs campaign
- 20160408 Alert Notice 542 - Continuing observations requested for KIC 08462852
- 20160316 Alert Notice 541 - V3661 Ophiuchi = Nova Oph 2016 = PNV 17355050-2934240
- 20160310 Alert Notice 540 - Secondary eclipse of b Persei is underway
- 20160301 Alert Notice 539 - Dwarf novae observations requested for VLA campaign
- 20160705 Special Notice #418 - RX And monitoring needed for VLA observations
- 20160226 Alert Notice 538 - Observations of V694 Mon (MWC 560) requested for Chandra campaign
- 20170502 Special Notice #429 - V694 Mon (MWC 560) spectroscopy requested
- 20160226 Alert Notice 537 - Observations of a secondary eclipse of b Persei requested
- 20160208 Alert Notice 536 - SS Cyg monitoring requested for radio campaign
- 20160305 Special Notice #414 - SS Cyg monitoring continues for radio campaign
- 20160204 Special Notice #412 - SS Cyg monitoring needed for radio campaign
- 20160119 Alert Notice 535 - R Aqr observing campaign
2016 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20161201 Special Notice #426 - Blazar CTA 102 (4C 11.69) in very bright outburst
- 20160922 Special Notice #421 - SN 2016gkg - Unusual Type-II Supernova in NGC 613 (Scl)
- 20160913 Special Notice #420 - OJ 287 very bright and Subscription reminder
- 20160408 Special Notice #415 - T CrB brighter and bluer - monitoring requested
- 20160223 Special Notice #413 - SU UMa observations needed now
2015 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20151103 Alert Notice 534 - Nova Sgr 2015 No. 4 = PNV J18225925-1914148 [V5850 Sgr]
- 20151030 Alert Notice 533 - Coverage of V5668 Sgr (Nova Sgr 2015 No. 2) requested in support of HST spectroscopy
- 20151104 Special Notice #410 - Upcoming HST observations of V5668 Sgr
- 20151014 Alert Notice 531 - Nova Ophiuchi 2015 Number 2 = TCP J17344775-2409042 [V2949 Oph]
- 20151008 Alert Notice 530 - Nova Aquilae 2015 = ASASSN 15-qd = PNV J19215012+1509248 [V1831 Aql]
- 20151001 Alert Notice 529 - Observing campaign on 5 variables in Cygnus
- 20150929 Alert Notice 528 - Nova Sagittarii 2015 Number 3 = PNV J18033275-2816054 [V5669 Sgr]
- 20150826 Alert Notice 527 - 17 cataclysmic variables to be observed by William Herschel Telescope
- 20150820 Alert Notice 526 - Monitoring of LS IV -14 116 in support of upcoming satellite observations
- 20150731 Alert Notice 525 - Observing campaign on KIC 02856960
- 20150807 Special Notice #406 - KIC 02856960 entering eclipse window
- 20150716 Alert Notice 524 - Observing campaign on 17 cataclysmic variables
- 20150701 Alert Notice 522 - V404 Cyg HST multiwavelength observations scheduled
- 20150701 Alert Notice 523 - Correction to AAVSO Alert Notice 522
- 20150618 Alert Notice 520 - X-ray nova and LMXB V404 Cyg in rare outburst
- 20150415 Alert Notice 518 - Observations of 2MASS J06593158-0405277 needed
- 20150402 Alert Notice 517 - Monitoring of AM Her urgently requested in support of XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations
- 20150403 Special Notice #401 - AM Her NuSTAR observations April 5
- 20150402 Alert Notice 516 - Nova Oph 2015 = PNV J17291350-1846120 [V2944 Oph]
- 20150331 Alert Notice 515 - SN 2015F in NGC 2442 (PSN J07361576-6930230)
- Note: Alert Notice 514 should be moved here when it is no longer active.
- 20150413 Special Notice #402 - RW Aur more intense monitoring needed now
- 20150318 Alert Notice 513 - Request for observations of GW Lib in support of HST observations
- 20150416 Special Notice #403 - GW Lib HST schedule set
- 20150316 Alert Notice 512 - Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 2 = PNV J18365700-2855420 [V5668 Sgr]
- 20150313 Alert Notice 511 - Monitoring requested for developing planetary systems dust production study
- 20151002 Special Notice #408 - Developing planetary systems dust production study - second segment of observations
- 20150305 Alert Notice 510 - Observations of the symbiotic nova ASAS J174600-2321.3
- 20150218 Alert Notice 509 - Nova Sagittarii 2015 = PNV J18142514-2554343 [V5667 Sgr]
- 20150615 Alert Notice 519 - Nova Sgr 2015 No. 2 fading as dust production rises [V5668 Sgr]
- 20150213 Special Notice #398 - Bright Transient in Sgr (PNV J18142514-2554343) [V5667 Sgr]
- 20150217 Alert Notice 508 - Nova Scorpii 2015 == PNV J17032620-3504140 [V1535 Sco]
- 20150211 Special Notice #397 - Bright Transient in Sco (PNV J17032620-3504140) [V1535 Sco]
- 20150107 Alert Notice 507 - Observations of the eclipsing binary b Persei
- 20150112 Special Notice #394 - Observations of b Persei urgently requested
2015 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20150902 Special Notice #407 - Blazar S5 1803+78 active
- 20150804 Special Notice #405 - Request for Monitoring of V4641 Sgr
- 20150710 Special Notice #404 - V380 Oph in low state
- 20150313 Special Notice #400 - BF Cyg observations requested
- 20150312 Special Notice #399 - GK Per in outburst
- 20150119 Special Notice #396 - Blazar PKS 0716+71 in very bright outburst
2014 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20141205 Alert Notice 506 - Alpha Com eclipse observing campaign
- 20150116 Special Notice #395 - Alpha Com campaign cancelled
- 20141024 Alert Notice 505 - Monitoring of Northern dwarf novae for radio jets campaign
- 20141202 Special Notice #391 - Targets remaining in northern dwarf novae campaign
- 20140917 Alert Notice 504 - Epsilon Aur monitoring during predicted pulsation phas
- Note: Alert Notice 503 should be moved here when it is no longer active.
- 20151215 Special Notice #411 - RT Cru observations need to continue
- 20151030 Special Notice #409 - Chandra observations scheduled for RT Cru
- 20140709 Alert Notice 502 - EE Cep observations requested for upcoming eclipse
- 20140724 Special Notice #387 - EE Cep eclipse and comparison stars
- 20140429 Alert Notice 501 - Monitoring requested for HST/COS observations of SBS 1108+574
- 20140513 Special Notice #385 - SBS 1108+574 HST/COS observations crucial NOW
- 20140509 Special Notice #384 - SBS 1108+574 HST/COS obs next week
- 20140402 Alert Notice 500 - Novae in Scorpius and Cygnus [V1534 Sco, V2659 Cyg]
- 20140314 Alert Notice 499 - Predicted occultation of Regulus
- 20140310 Alert Notice 498 - Nova Cephei 2014 = TCP J20542386+6017077 [V962 Cep]
- 20140211 Alert Notice 497 - Nova Sagittarii 2014 = PNV J18250860-2236024 [V5666 Sgr] AND Erratum
- 20140207 Alert Notice 496 - Outburst of the recurrent nova V745 Sco
- 20140122 Alert Notice 495 - Bright Type-Ia Supernova PSN J09554214+6940260 and Observing Campaign
2014 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20141211 Special Notice #392 - ASASSN-14lp = Type Ia Supernova in NGC 4666 (Virgo)
- 20141211 Special Notice #393 - Correction to Special Notice #392 [ASASSN-14lp]
- 20141110 Special Notice #390 - New possible WZ Sge variable ASASSN-14jv
- 20141029 Special Notice #389 - Possible Supernova in NGC 4303 (M61) - PSN J12215757+0428185 [SN 2014dt]
- 20141023 Special Notice #388 - Outburst of VSX J213806.5+261957
- 20140620 Special Notice #386 - ASASSN-14cl New large-amplitude cataclysmic variable
- 20140327 Special Notice #383 - Transient in Scorpius = TCP J17154683-3128303 [V1534 Sco]
- 20140206 Special Notice #380 - Reported outburst of the recurrent nova V745 Sco
2013 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20131219 Alert Notice 494 - T Tauri stars observing campaign
- 20131218 Alert Notice 493 - Request to monitor BP Tau in support of Chandra X-ray observations
- 20131218 Special Notice #378 - BP Tau Chandra observation times set - time-series observations needed
- 20131202 Alert Notice 491 - V556 Serpentis = Nova Ser 2013 = PNV J18090346-1112345
- 20130830 Alert Notice 490 - Optical monitoring of T Ori requested
- 20130801 Alert Notice 488 - Observations of AA Tau requested to schedule XMM-Newton
- 20130719 Alert Notice 487 - Supernova 2013dy in NGC 7250 = PSN J22181760+4034096
- 20130626 Alert Notice 486 - Spectroscopy and photometry campaign on three bright Wolf Rayet stars
- 20130620 Alert Notice 485 - AG Dra monitoring requested for multiwavelength campaign
- 20130604 Alert Notice 484 - Nova Sco 2013 = PNV J17335943-3606216 [V1533 Sco]
- 20130517 Alert Notice 483 - AH Her observing campaign
- 20130404 Alert Notice 482 - Monitoring requested for dust production study in developing planetary systems
- 20131024 Special Notice #373 - Comparison star changed for HD 15407A
- 20130319 Alert Notice 481 - Nova Survey participation requested
- 20130308 Alert Notice 480 - MR UMa superoutburst coverage requested for HST observations
- 20130217 Alert Notice 479 - Supernova 2013aa in NGC 5643 = PSN J14323388-4413278
- 20130215 Special Notice #337 - Bright transient near the galaxy NGC 5643 (Lupus) [SN 2013aa]
- 20130116 Alert Notice 478 - Transformed photometry of young stars in Cha requested
- 20130109 Alert Notice 477 - Supernova 2013E in IC 2532 = PSN J10000552-3414013
- 20130104 Alert Notice 476 - Multicolor photometry of triple system b Per requested
- 20150112 Special Notice #394 - Observations of b Persei urgently requested
- 20130206 Special Notice #333 - Eclipse underway in b Per and photometry needed urgently
2013 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20131219 Special Notice #379 - Supernova 2013hn in IC 4329 = PSN J13485917-3017265
- 20131206 Special Notice #377 - Reported outburst of the WZ Sge star AL Comae
- 20131028 Special Notice #374 - Possible Nova in Aquila = PNV J19023335+0315190 [V1830 Aql]
- 20131001 Special Notice #372 - Probable new red variable IRAS 17378-3411 = PNV J17411305-3413235
- 20130726 Special Notice #368 - Bright transient in M74 - PSN J01364816+1545310
- 20130726 Special Notice #367 - Outburst of the UGWZ star UZ Bootis
- 20130724 Special Notice #366 - Symbiotic variable AS 270 brightening
- 20131113 Special Notice #375 - Symbiotic variable AS 270 in outburst
- 20130318 Special Notice #343 - GK Per outburst appears to be underway
- 20130211 Special Notice #334 - Outburst of the possible old nova GR Ori
- 20130212 Special Notice #335 - Revised Coordinates for GR Ori (Nova Ori 1916)
- 20130202 Special Notice #331 - Nova Cephei 2013 = PNV J23080471+6046521 [V809 Cep]
2012 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20121222 Alert Notice 475 - Monitoring of the dwarf nova U Geminorum in support of HST observations
- 20131202 Special Notice #376 - HST observations of U Gem scheduled for December 6
- 20130129 Special Notice #328 - HST/COS observing U Gem 2013 January 30
- 20130124 Special Notice #327 - HST/COS observations scheduled for U Gem
- 20121214 Alert Notice 474 - Multiwavelength Campaign on delta Ori (Mintaka)
- 20121106 Alert Notice 473 - T Tauri stars observing campaign
- 20121107 Special Notice #306 - Telluric standards for T Tau stars campaign spectroscopists
- 20121019 Alert Notice 472 - Monitoring of HD 5980 requested for multiwavelength campaign
- 20120920 Alert Notice 471 - Cataclysmic variables to be monitored for HST observations
- 20140317 Special Notice #382 - SDSS J100658.40+233724.4 observations crucial now
- 20140305 Special Notice #381 - HST/COS observations of SDSS J100658.40+233724.4
- 20130924 Special Notice #371 - BB Ari observations particularly crucial now
- 20130911 Special Notice #370 - GZ Cet observations crucial now
- 20130905 Special Notice #369 - GZ Cet (SDSS J013701.06-091234.9) HST/COS obs next week
- 20130719 Special Notice #365 - Correction to AAVSO Special Notice #364
- 20130719 Special Notice #364 - 1RXS J213807.1+261958 (OT J213806.6+261957) HST obs next week
- 20130716 Special Notice #363 - HS 2214+2845 (= V513 Peg) obs critical now
- 20130708 Special Notice #362 - OR And and AX For obs critical now
- 20130624 Special Notice #361 - CC Scl observations date revised
- 20130624 Special Notice #360 - CC Scl observations critical this week
- 20130612 Special Notice #359 - OR And monitoring needed for HST/COS campaign
- 20130612 Special Notice #358 - BD Pav obs critical tonight
- 20130607 Special Notice #357 - BD Pav next HST COS target followed by QZ Ser
- 20130604 Special Notice #356 - V1108 Her obs urgent TONIGHT and new date for BD Pav
- 20130531 Special Notice #355 - V1108 Her next HST COS target followed by BD Pav
- 20130522 Special Notice #354 - DT Oct obs crucial now, GW Lib and V1108 Her next targets
- 20130513 Special Notice #353 - SDSS J153817.35+512338.0 obs crucial now and DT Oct is next
- 20130508 Special Notice #352 - Correction to target name in Special Notice #351
- 20130508 Special Notice #351 - 1RXS J105010.3-140431 obs crucial now and upcoming targets
- 20130430 Special Notice #350 - 1RXS J105010.3-140431 and SDSS J153817.35+512338.0 next HST/COS targets
- 20130430 Special Notice #349 - HST/COS Observations CANCELLED for SDSS J154453.60+255348.8
- 20130422 Special Notice #348 - QZ Lib observations critical now for HST/COS and SDSS J154453.60+255348.8 next target
- 20130409 Special Notice #347 - Correction to AAVSO Special Notice #346
- 20130408 Special Notice #346 - RZ Leo observations critical now for HST/COS and IU Leo next target
- 20130402 Special Notice #345 - MR UMa observations needed now and RZ Leo next HST/COS target
- 20130325 Special Notice #344 - IY UMa and MR UMa next HST/COS targets
- 20130318 Special Notice #342 - PU CMa, then IY UMa and MR UMa next HST/COS targets
- 20130314 Special Notice #341 - V485 Cen observations crucial tonight through Sunday night
- 20130306 Special Notice #340 - HST/COS observations 2013 March 8 and March 9
- 20130228 Special Notice #339 - V406 Vir (SDSS J123813.73-033932.9) HST/COS observations early tomorrow
- 20130221 Special Notice #338 - HM Leo HST/COS observations tomorrow; V406 Vir is next target
- 20130212 Special Notice #336 - Next three HST/COS CV campaign targets
- 20130205 Special Notice #332 - Observations of IR Com crucial now through February 8
- 20130202 Special Notice #330 - Next HST/COS targets are IR Com and BB Dor
- 20130129 Special Notice #329 - Critical time for CV Campaign HST/COS target SDSS J100515.38+191107.9
- 20130124 Special Notice #326 - Next HST/COS target is SDSS J100515.38+191107.9
- 20130121 Special Notice #325 - BB Dor monitoring requested for Swift and HST observations
- 20130121 Special Notice #324 - LT Eri (SDSS J040714.78-064425.1) is next HST COS target
- 20130114 Special Notice #323 - Observations of BB Dor requested
- 20130114 Special Notice #322 - CU Vel is next HST COS target
- 20130110 Special Notice #321 - Observations critical tonight for SDSS J093249.57+472523.0
- 20130104 Special Notice #319 - HST COS observing SDSS J093249.57+472523.0 2013 January 11-12
- 20121220 Special Notice #317 - HST COS observing HS 0218+3229 2012 December 22 and
SDSS J093249.57+472523.0 is probable next target - 20121211 Special Notice #315 - HST COS observing SDSS J075507.70+143547.6 December 13-14 and
HS0218+3229 is next target - 20121205 Special Notice #314 - HST COS scheduled to observe V405 Peg December 7
- 20121130 Special Notice #313 - HST COS observing CW Mon tonight and V405 Peg is next targetv
- 20121120 Special Notice #311 - HST COS to observe CW Mon 2012 November 30 - December 1
- 20121113 Special Notice #309 - Next set of HST COS targets announced
- 20121113 Special Notice #308 - Observations crucial starting tonight for FL Psc (ASAS J002511+1217.2)
- 20121108 Special Notice #307 - Observations crucial tonight for SDSS J001153.08-064739.1
- 20121105 Special Notice #305 - HST COS observations of FL Psc (ASAS J002511+1217.2) scheduled
- 20121031 Special Notice #304 - HST COS observations of SDSS J001153.08-064739.1 scheduled
- 20121024 Special Notice #302 - HST COS observations of 1RXS J023238.8-371812 scheduled
- 20121010 Special Notice #299 - Observations needed TODAY of SDSS J164248.52+134751.4
- 20121006 Special Notice #298 - Second set of HST COS CV targets announced
- 20121005 Special Notice #297 - HST COS observations of SDSS J164248.52+134751.4 scheduled
- 20120920 Alert Notice 470 - Symbiotic variable V4018 Sgr in outburst
- 20120825 Alert Notice 469 - Observations of TT Ari requested in support of MOST observations
- 20120821 Alert Notice 468 - Observing campaign on V380 Oph cancelled
- 20120817 Alert Notice 467 - Nova Monocerotis 2012 = PNV J06393874+0553520 [V959 Mon]
- 20120813 Alert Notice 466 - Monitoring of V380 Oph requested in support of HST observations
- 20120720 Alert Notice 465 - Nova Sagittarii 2012 No. 5 = PSN J18193700-1907400 [V5593 Sgr]
- 20120705 Alert Notice 464 - Observers requested for Jovian Extinction Events (JEE2012)
- 20120703 Alert Notice 463 - Nova Sagittarii 2012 No. 3 = PNV J17522579-2126215 [V5591 Sgr]
- 20120612 Alert Notice 461 - Nova Scorpii 2012 = MOA 2012 BLG-320 [V1324 Sco]
- 20120610 Alert Notice 460 - Possible occultation by Pluto from US East Coast
- 20120606 Alert Notice 459 - Monitoring of RU Peg requested for Swift observations
- 20120511 Alert Notice 458 - Multiwavelength observing campaign on AE Aqr
- 20120608 Special Notice #286 - Revised timetable for June AE Aqr MAGIC observations
- 20120515 Special Notice #281 - Revised timetable for AE Aqr MAGIC observations
- 20120410 Alert Notice 457 - Monitoring Nova Oph 2012 for multiwavelength observations [V2676 Oph]
- 20120328 Special Notice #273 - Possible Nova in Ophiuchus = PNV J17260708-2551454 [V2676 Oph]
- 20120404 Alert Notice 456 - Request to monitor V854 Cen
- 20120521 Special Notice #282 - Apparent fading of V854 Cen
- 20120316 Alert Notice 455 - V834 Car = Nova Car 2012 = TCP J10502000-6406480
- 20120303 Special Notice #266 - Possible Nova in Carina (TCP J10502000-6406480) [V834 Car]
- 20120302 Alert Notice 454 - Monitoring of CH Cyg requested for Chandra and HST observations
- 20160603 Special Notice #417 - CH Cygni B and V photometry urgently requested
- 20130109 Special Notice #320 - CH Cygni monitoring campaign continues
- 20120911 Special Notice #294 - CH Cyg observing campaign continued through 2012
- 20120323 Special Notice #268 - Chandra observations of CH Cyg scheduled and monitoring urgently needed
- 20120315 Special Notice #267 - HST observations of CH Cyg scheduled and monitoring urgently needed
- 20120223 Alert Notice 453 - Monitoring of S Dor requested for multiwavelength campaign
- 20120910 Special Notice #293 - S Dor campaign continued through 2012-2013 season
- 20120509 Special Notice #280 - HST UV spectroscopy observations of S Dor scheduled
- 20120208 Alert Notice 452 - Simultaneous observations of SU Aur and AB Aur requested for XMM-Newton
- 20120127 Alert Notice 451 - Monitoring of the Symbiotic Variable RT Cru Requested
2012 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20121223 Special Notice #318 - SN 2012hr, a Type Ia supernova prior to maximum
- 20121217 Special Notice #316 - Monitoring of the dwarf nova U Geminorum in support of HST observations
- 20121127 Special Notice #312 - Supernova 2012gx in MCG -02-2-72 = PSN J00380175-1351395
- 20121115 Special Notice #310 - Continued observing of V452 Cas requested
- 20121023 Special Notice #300 - Possible bright transient in the Hyades field
- 20121023 Special Notice #301 - Retraction of Special Notice #301
- 20121006 Special Notice #296 - Outburst of the BL Lac object 4C 11.69 == CTA 102
- 20120918 Special Notice #295 - Bright outburst of the BL Lac object PKS 0716+71 (== S5 0716+714)
- 20120805 Special Notice #292 - Possible nova in Carina = PNV J09410000-5759540
- 20120726 Special Notice #291 - Brightening of LBV HD 269006 = R71
- 20120724 Special Notice #290 - Blazar BL Lac bright
- 20120707 Special Notice #289 - Bright possible nova in Sagittarius = PNV J18202726-2744263 [V5592 Sgr, Nova Sgr 2012 No. 4]
- 20120628 Special Notice #288 - Supernova 2012db in ESO 139-G28 = PSN J17484870-6042193
- 20120628 Special Notice #287 - Request to observe X-ray transient Swift J1910.2-0546
- 20120531 Special Notice #285 - Outburst of old nova X Ser
- 20120526 Special Notice #284 - Nova Ophiuchi 2012 No. 2 = PNV J17395600-2447420 [V2677 Oph]
- 20120523 Special Notice #283 - Supernova 2012cg IN NGC 4424 = PSN J12271283+0925132
- 20120422 Special Notice #278 - Bright flaring of OJ 287
- 20120421 Special Notice #277 - Possible Nova in Sagittarius (PNV J17452791-2305213) [V5589 Sgr]
- 20120412 Special Notice #275 - Possible Nova in Scutum = PNV J18562170-0852300
- 20120414 Special Notice #276 - No nova in Scutum (PNV J18562170-0852300)
- 20120405 Special Notice #274 - Variable Object in Centaurus = TCP J14250600-5845360
- 20120328 Special Notice #272 - Possible Nova in Centaurus = PNV J13410800-5815470 [V1368 Cen]
- 20120327 Special Notice #270 - Possible Recurrent Nova in the LMC = TCP J04550000-7027150 [Nova LMC 2012]
- 20120327 Special Notice #271 - Correction to AAVSO Special Notice #270
- 20120324 Special Notice #269 - Supernova 2012aw IN M95 (NGC 3351) = PSN J10435372+1140177
- 20120303 Special Notice #265 - Bright Symbiotics in SGR, CYG, and OPH
- 20120121 Special Notice #264 - Supernova 2012A in NGC 3239 = PSN J10250739+1709146
2011 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20111025 Alert Notice 450 - Request for observations of SDSS0804+51 in support of HST observations
- 20111025 Alert Notice 449 - Outburst of the UGWZ Candidate BW Scl
- 20110912 Alert Notice 448 - Request for observations of V455 And in support of HST observations
- 20110922 Special Notice #257 - Reminder to observe V455 And for HST observations
- 20110910 Alert Notice 447 - Nova Sco 2011 No. 2 = PNV J16364440-4132340 = PNV J16364300-4132460 [V1313 Sco]
- 20110826 Alert Notice 446 - SUPERNOVA 2011fe in M101 (NGC 5457) = PSN J14030581+5416254
- 20110916 Special Notice #256 - Request for fast optical time-series of SN 2011fe
- 20110819 Alert Notice 445 - Request for monitoring of SS Cygni in support of European VBLI radio observations
- 20121031 Special Notice #303 - VLBA and e-MERLIN observations of SS Cyg underway
- 20120507 Special Notice #279 - Request for monitoring of SS Cygni in support of European VLBI radio observations
- 20111013 Special Notice #258 - Request for monitoring of SS Cygni in support of European VLBI radio observations
- 20110809 Alert Notice 444 - Nova Lupi 2011 [PR Lup]
- 20110 Special Notice #247 - Possible Nova in Lupus [PR Lup]
- 20110708 Alert Notice 443 - Long-term monitoring of four AGN in support of ground-based spectroscopy
- 20111102 Special Notice #262 - Long-term monitoring of AGN targets extended
- 20110819 Special Notice #249 - FTP site for submitting AGN images requested in Alert Notice 443
- 20110603 Alert Notice 442 - Nova Sco 2011= PNV J16551100-3838120 [V1312 Sco]
- 20110601 Special Notice #240 - Possible Nova in Scorpius [V1312 Sco]
- 20110428 Alert Notice 438 - Supernova 2011by in NGC 3972 = PSN J11554556+5519338
- 20110428 Alert Notice 439 - Correction to Alert Notice 438 on SN 2011by
- 20110414 Alert Notice 436 - Outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis (en español)
- 20110415 Alert Notice 437 - Campaign to monitor the recurrent nova T Pyx throughout 2011 eruption
- 20110910 Special Notice #254 - T Pyx Campaign continues
- 20110630 Special Notice #244 - Continued close monitoring of T Pyx requested
- 20110415 Alert Notice 437 - Campaign to monitor the recurrent nova T Pyx throughout 2011 eruption
- 20110403 Alert Notice 435 - V5588 Sgr = Nova Sgr 2011 No. 2 = PNV J18102135-2305306
- 20110328 Special Notice #237 - Nova Sgr 2011 No. 2 = PNV J18102135-2305306 [V5588 Sgr]
- 20110330 Alert Notice 434 - Outburst of NSV 1436
- 20110320 Alert Notice 433 - Request for observations of GW Lib in support of HST observations
- 20110402 Special Notice #238 - HST observations scheduled for GW Lib
- 20110314 Alert Notice 432 - Supernova 2011at = PSN J09285756-1448206 in MCG -02-24-27
- 20110225 Alert Notice 431 - Request to monitor SDSS074545 for HST Observations
- 20110304 Special Notice #236 - HST observations scheduled for SDSS074545
- 20110111 Alert Notice 430 - Photometry requested of Blazar-type Quasars 3C 273 and 3C 279
- 20110108 Alert Notice 429 - Photometry requested for three "Vestoid" Near-Earth Objects
2011 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20111215 Special Notice #263 - SUPERNOVA 2011iy IN NGC 4984 = PSN J13085839-1531041
- 20111021 Special Notice #261 - Outburst of the UGWZ Candidate BW Scl
- 20111019 Special Notice #259 - Possible bright transient in the region of M31
- 20111019 Special Notice #260 - Retraction of Special Notice #259
- 20110914 Special Notice #255 - Cataclysmic Variable in Draco = PNV J18422792+4837425
- 20110910 Special Notice #253 - Request for Observations of MAXI J1836-194
- 20110908 Special Notice #252 - Upcoming eclipse of Zeta Aurigae
- 20110906 Special Notice #251 - Possible transient in Scorpius
- 20110824 Special Notice #250 - Possible Type-Ia Supernova in M101
- 20110811 Special Notice #248 - Radio outburst in V1343 Aquilae
- 20110802 Special Notice #245 - Outburst of SV Ari
- 20110603 Special Notice #241 - New Supernova in M51
- 20110607 Special Notice #243 - Pre-SN-2011dh images of M51 requested
- 20110603 Special Notice #242 - SN 2011dh = Supernova in M51 = PSN J13303600+4706330
- 20110531 Special Notice #239 - Dwarf Nova in Pegasus (PNV J21095047+1348396)
- 20110215 Special Notice #235 - Request for archival data: V1647 Ori and McNeil's Nebula
- 20110207 Special Notice #233 - Outburst of the cataclysmic variable SDSS J133941.11+484727.5
- 20110204 Special Notice #232 - Bright outburst of the pre-main sequence variable Z CMa
- 20110201 Special Notice #231 - T Pyx observations requested
- 20110131 Special Notice #230 - Nova Sagittarii 2011 = PNV J17474639-2335112 [V5587 Sgr]
- 20110114 Special Notice #228 - Supernova 2011K in anonymous galaxy is Type-Ia pre-maximum
2010 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20101130 Alert Notice 428 - Monitoring requested of the peculiar cataclysmic variable FS Aurigae
- 20110214 Special Notice #234 - Outburst of FS Aurigae
- 20110124 Special Notice #229 - Outburst of FS Aurigae
- 20110103 Special Notice #227 - Outburst of FS Aurigae Expected Soon
- 20101204 Special Notice #226 - Request for observations of FS Aurigae
- 20101123 Alert Notice 427 - Observing campaign on BM Ori and the Trapezium region
- 20101005 Alert Notice 426 - Rescheduled request for observations of V455 AND in support of HST observations
- 20101001 Alert Notice 425 - Monitoring of HBC722 and VSXJ205126.1+440523 Requested
- 20100914 Alert Notice 424 - Monitoring and Study of V2672 Oph
- 20100830 Alert Notice 423 - Request for observations of V455 AND in support of HST observations
- 20100716 Alert Notice 422 - Observing Campaign on Hubble's First Variable in M31: M31_V1
- 20100505 Alert Notice 421 - Nova in Scorpius (V1311 Sco = N Sco 2010 No. 2)
- 20100426 Special Notice #207 - Possible Nova in Scorpius - N Sco 2010 No. 2 [V1311 Sco]
- 20100426 Alert Notice 420 - Nova in Sagittarius (V5586 Sgr = Nova Sgr 2010 No. 2)
- 20100315 Alert Notice 419 - Nova eruption in V407 Cyg
- 20100312 Alert Notice 418 - Request for monitoring of V842 Cen in support of HST observations
- 20100315 Special Notice #203 - Request for monitoring of V842 Cen in support of HST observations
- 20100303 Alert Notice 417 - Request for observations of GW Lib and V842 Cen in support of HST observations
- 20100308 Special Notice #199 - Request for monitoring of GW Lib in support of HST Observations
- 20100131 Alert Notice 416 - Nova in Sagittarius (V5585 Sgr = N Sgr 2010)
- 20100124 Special Notice #190 - Probable Nova in Sagittarius [V5585 Sgr]
- 20100128 Alert Notice 415 - Recurrent nova U Scorpii in outburst
- 20100302 Special Notice #197 - Request for time-series photometry of U Sco
- 20100208 Special Notice #193 - Request for photometry of the recurrent nova U Scorpii
- 20100128 Special Notice #191 - U Sco is possibly in outburst
2010 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20101201 Special Notice #225 - A new UGWZ candidate in Pisces
- 20101121 Special Notice #224- Possible outburst of SDSS_J160501.35+203056.9
- 20101118 Special Notice #223 - BL Lac object 3C 454.3 undergoing bright flare
- 20101105 Special Notice #222 - Bright possible supernova in UGC 5189A
- 20101102 Special Notice #221 - Outburst of the infrequently-outbursting dwarf nova HT Cas
- 20100921 Special Notice #218 - Outburst of the UGWZ star SDSS J080434.20+510349.2
- 20100902 Special Notice #217 - SN 2010hg in NGC 3001
- 20100827 Special Notice #216 - Two new FU Orionis variables in Cygnus
- 20100824 Special Notice #215 - Brightening of the symbiotic star CI Cyg
- 20101012 Special Notice #219 - Eclipse of the symbiotic star CI Cygni
- 20100801 Special Notice #214 - Outburst of V592 Her
- 20100711 Special Notice #212 - Bright Outburst of QZ Vir (= T Leo) PAGE NOT FOUND
- 20100522 Special Notice #211 - Outburst of EX Hya
- 20100517 Special Notice #209 - Nightly monitoring of TW Hya in support of HST observations
- 20100508 Special Notice #208 - Optical Transient in Pegasus
- 20100415 Special Notice #205 - Rapid fading in the luminous blue variable S Doradus
- 20100415 Special Notice #204 - Request for monitoring of SS Cygni in support of EVLA/VLBA radio observations
- 20100421 Special Notice #206 - Request for photometry of the dwarf nova SS Cygni
- 20100312 Special Notice #201 - Outburst of the symbiotic star V407 Cyg
- 20100314 Special Notice #202 - Classical nova event in V407 Cyg
- 20100309 Special Notice #200 - Outburst of the infrequently outbursting dwarf nova KX Aquilae
- 20100309 Special Notice #198 - Possible Outburst of GK Per
- 20100223 Special Notice #196 - Possible Nova in Scorpius - N Sco 2010 [V1310 Sco]
- 20100220 Special Notice #195 - Nova Oph 2010 No. 2 [V2674 Oph]
- 20100209 Special Notice #194 - Request for monitoring of the blazar 3C 66A
- 20100120 Special Notice #189 - Request for observations of KT Eri / Nova Eri 2009
- 20100117 Special Notice #187 - Possible Nova in Oph [V2673 Oph]
- 20100117 Special Notice #188 - Possible Nova in Oph; update [V2673 Oph]
2009 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20091217 Alert Notice 414 - Request for obervations of V405 Peg
- 20091209 Alert Notice 413 - Nova in Eridanus (KT Eri = Nova Eri 2009)
- 20091129 Special Notice #183 - Update on Nova Eri 2009 [KT Eri]
- 20091126 Special Notice #182 - More on the variable in Eridanus [KT Eri]
- 20091125 Special Notice #181 - Possible Nova in Eridanus [KT Eri]
- 20091110 Alert Notice 412 - Nova Sct 2009 (V496 Sct)
- 20091109 Special Notice #176 - Possible Nova in Scutum [V496 Sct]
- 20091031 Alert Notice 411 - Request for observations of the blazar 3C 66A
- 20091029 Alert Notice 410 - Request for additional epsilon Aurigae observations
- 20091029 Alert Notice 409 - V5584 Sgr = Nova Sagittarii 2009 Number 4
- 20091026 Special Notice #173 - Nova Sgr 2009 No. 4 [V5584 Sgr]
- 20091013 Alert Notice 408 - Deep fading event in the cataclysmic variable TT Arietis
- 20091116 Special Notice #179 - Request for observations of TT Ari in support of GALEX observations
- 20091020 Special Notice #172 - Observing campaign on TT Ari
- 20091116 Special Notice #179 - Request for observations of TT Ari in support of GALEX observations
- 20091012 Alert Notice 407 - Outburst of the UGWZ-type dwarf nova EG Cancri
- 20091012 Special Notice #170 - Possible outburst of the dwarf nova EG Cnc
- 20091007 Alert Notice 406 - Observing Campaign to Monitor Magnetically-Active Dwarfs for Long-Term Variability
- 20091002 Alert Notice 405 - Request for observations of NSV 99 (khi Peg) in support of HST observations
- 20091116 Special Notice #178 - Request for observations of NSV 99 (khi Peg)
- 20090921 Alert Notice 404 - Supernova 2009ig has brightened
- 20090830 Alert Notice 403 - Request for observations of V2105 Oph in support of HST observations
- 20090817 Alert Notice 402 - Nova in Ophiuchus [V2672 Oph; Nova Oph 2009]
- 20090817 Special Notice #166 - Possible Nova in Ophiuchus [V2672 Oph; Nova Oph 2009]
- 20090813 Alert Notice 401 - Monitoring of EX Hya and DQ Her
- 20090808 Alert Notice 400 - Nova Sagittarii 2009 Number 3 [V5583 Sgr]
- 20090807 Special Notice #164 - Possible Nova in Sagittarius [Nova Sgr 2009 No. 3, V5583 Sgr]
- 20090727 Alert Notice 399 - Nightly monitoring of AG Dra in support of HST calibration observations
- 20090710 Alert Notice 398 - Eclipse of epsilon Aurigae
- 20110808 Special Notice #246 - Continued monitoring of epsilon Aurigae
- 20100203 Special Notice #192 - Update on the epsilon Aurigae eclipse
- 20090630 Alert Notice 397 - Request for optical photometry of the bright X-ray binary V884 Sco (4U 1700-377)
- 20090515 Alert Notice 396 - Nova in Centaurus [V1213 Cen; Nova Cen 2009]
- 20090513 Special Notice #158 - Update to Special Notice 157 -- possible nova in Centaurus [V1213 Cen; Nova Cen 2009]
- 20090513 Special Notice #157 - Possible Nova in Centaurus [V1213 Cen; Nova Cen 2009]
- 20090506 Alert Notice 395 - Nova in Sagittarius [V5581 Sgr; Nova Sgr 2009 No. 1]
- 20090209 Alert Notice 394 - Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud [N LMC 2009]
- 20090403 Special Notice #150 - Request for observations of N LMC 09
- 20090203 Alert Notice 393 - Monitoring for a planetary transit of HD 80606
2009 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 22091214 Special Notice #184 - Possible nova in Aquila - N Aql 2009 [V1722 Aql]
- 20091123 Special Notice #180 - Request for observations of V420 Aur in support of Spitzer Space Telescope observations
- 20091112 Special Notice #177 - Observing Campaign on Secondary Eclipse of zeta Aurigae
- 20091030 Special Notice #174 - Possible outburst of V1108 Her
- 20090930 Special Notice #169 - Possible outburst of the dwarf nova BC UMa
- 20090925 Special Notice #168 - Outburst of the symbiotic star Z Andromedae
- 20090914 Special Notice #167 - Possible outburst of the suspected UGWZ star VX For
- 20090817 Special Notice #165 - Dwarf nova-like outburst of the old nova X Ser
- 20090721 Special Notice #162 - Photometry of Beta Cephei
- 20090708 Special Notice #161 - Outburst of the dwarf nova WX Cet
- 20090526 Special Notice #160 - Request for observations of Z Cam
- 20090507 Special Notice #154 - Possible nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud [N LMC 2009 No. 2]
- 20090509 Special Notice #156 - Update on possible Nova in LMC from Special Notice #154 (revision of Special Notice #155) [N LMC 2009 No. 2]
- 20090508 Special Notice #155 - Update on possible Nova in LMC from Special Notice #154 [N LMC 2009 No. 2]
- 20090427 Special Notice #153 - Outbursting system in Libra [V364 Lib]
- 20090406 Special Notice #152 - Increased activity in the symbiotic star AX Persei
- 20090403 Special Notice #151 - Monitoring of the neutron star binary SDSS J102347.68+003841.2 [AY Sex]
- 20090326 Special Notice #149 - Outburst of the suspected eclipsing polar CSS 081231:071126+440405 [V808 Aur]
- 20090219 Special Notice #147 - Activity in the unusual cataclysmic variable V630 Cas
- 20090204 Special Notice #146 - Request to monitor the candidate high-mass X-ray binary BG Gem
- 20090128 Special Notice #145 - R Coronae Borealis at or near faintest recorded minimum
- 20090126 Special Notice #144 - Superoutburst of the dwarf nova QZ Vir
- 20090103 Special Notice #142 - The new eclipsing cataclysmic variable CSS 081231:071126+440405 [V808 Aur]
2008 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20081208 Alert Notice 392 - Supernova 2008hy in IC 334
- 20081123 Alert Notice 391 - Rare Outburst of V358 Lyr
- 20081113 Alert Notice 390 - Request to monitor three dwarf novae in support of radio observations
- 20081111 Alert Notice 389 - Support for VLT spectroscopy of the novalike variable VY Scl
- 20081117 Special Notice #132 - Update of Alert Notice 389: Spectroscopic observations of VY Scl
- 20081006 Alert Notice 388 - Nova Mus 2008 = QY Mus
- 20081002 Special Notice #126 - Possible Nova in Musca [Nova Mus 2008, QY Mus]
- 20081003 Alert Notice 387 - V1721 Aql (Nova Aql 2008)
- 20081002 Alert Notice 386 - Low state of VY Scl
- 20080929 Alert Notice 385 - SN 2008fw in NGC 3261
- 20080924 Alert Notice 384 - Outburst of GK Persei
- 20080922 Special Notice #125 - Enhanced monitoring of GK Persei
- 20080906 Alert Notice 383 - Nova Scorpii 2008 [V1309 Sco]
- 20080903 Special Notice #124 - Possible nova in Scorpius [V1309 Sco]
- 20080831 Alert Notice 382 - Outburst of the symbiotic star CI Cygni
- 20080831 Special Notice #121 - Outburst of the symbiotic star CI Cygni
- 20080602 Alert Notice 381 - Second possible nova in Ophiuchus - Nova Oph 008 No. 2
- 20080527 Alert Notice 380 - Nova in Ophiuchus
- 20080516 Alert Notice 379 - Support for Spitzer observations of tremendous outburst amplitude dwarf novae (TOADs)
- 20080604 Special Notice #111 - Possible superoutburst of DH Aql
- 20080505 Alert Notice 378 - Request to monitor RE J1255+266 for HST Observations
- 20080423 Alert Notice 376 - Request to monitor SDSS J151413.72+454911.9 for HST Observations [PP Boo]
- 20080501 Special Notice #107 - Update on Request to monitor SDSS J151413.72+454911.9 for HST observations [PP Boo]
- 20080421 Alert Notice 375 - V576 Carinae
- 20080331 Alert Notice 374 - Nova Cygni 2008 - V2468 Cyg
- 20080308 Special Notice #98 - Apparent Nova in Cygnus - N Cyg 08 [V2468 Cyg]
- 20080319 Alert Notice 372 - Possible naked-eye gamma ray burst detected (GRB 080319B)
- 20080306 Alert Notice 371 - Support for XMM-Newton Observations of SS Aurigae
- 20080328 Alert Notice 373 - Support for XMM-Newton Observations of SS Aurigae [replaces text of AN 371]
- 20080310 Special Notice #99 - Campaign in support of SS Aurigae observations by XMM-Newton delayed
- 20080212 Alert Notice 370 - GJ 436 Extrasolar Planet Transit Campaign
- 20080131 Alert Notice 369 - Outburst of AQ CMi
- 20080129 Alert Notice 368 - Major Outburst of EX Lup
- 20080121 Special Notice #93 - Possible major outburst in EX Lup
- 20080122 Alert Notice 367 - Monitoring of the Recurrent Nova U Scorpii
- 20091229 Special Notice #185 - Request for twilight observations of U Sco
- 20091016 Special Notice #171 - Request for twilight observations of U Sco
- 20090101 Special Notice #141 - Request for deep observations (in twilight) of U Sco
- 20081015 Special Notice #127 - Twilight observations of U Sco requested
- 20080118 Alert Notice 366 - Request to monitor SDSS133948 for HST Observations
- 20080106 Alert Notice 365 - Request to Monitor EF Eri for Hubble Space Telescope Observations
- 20080114 Special Notice #90 - Update on Request to Monitor EF Eri for Hubble Space Telescope Observations
2008 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20081229 Special Notice #140 - Outburst of the cataclysmic variable IQ Eri
- 20081212 Special Notice #139 - The peculiar object CSS 081007:030559+054715 [HV Cet]
- 20081202 Special Notice #138 - Probable Nova in Sagittarius
- 20081202 Special Notice #137 - Possible outburst of LV Vel
- 20081128 Special Notice #134 - Possible Bright Nova in Car [Nova Car 2008, V679 Car]
- 20081129 Special Notice #136 - Possible Nova in Car REPLACES Special Notices #134 and #135 [Nova Car 2008, V679 Car]
- 20081128 Special Notice #135 - Correction to Special Notice #134 and new sequence [Nova Car 2008, V679 Car]
- 20081125 Special Notice #133 - Apparent Superoutburst of XZ Eri
- 20081107 Special Notice #131 - Long-term photometric campaign on the luminous blue variable P Cygni
- 20081028 Special Notice #130 - Outburst of the dwarf nova UW Tri
- 20081019 Special Notice #128 - Rare outburst of the dwarf nova V1251 Cyg
- 20080903 Special Notice #123 - Possible nova in Centaurus [Nova Cen 2008, V1212 Cen]
- 20080902 Special Notice #122 - Possible new WZ Sge-type dwarf nova in Andromeda [V466 And]
- 20080825 Special Notice #120 - SGR 0501+4516
- 20080804 Special Notice #116 - Superoutburst of the infrequently outbursting dwarf nova HO Del
- 20080819 Special Notice #119 - Possible rebrightening in the dwarf nova HO Del
- 20080804 Special Notice #117 - Superoutburst of the infrequently outbursting dwarf nova HO Del (revised)
- 20080731 Special Notice #115 - Request for observations of Eta Carinae
- 20080722 Special Notice #114 - Rebrightening of the dwarf nova VY Aqr
- 20080718 Special Notice #113 - Request for observations of SDSS J212531.92-010745.9
- 20080607 Special Notice #112 - Support for CH Cygni observations with HST and Chandra
- 20080516 Special Notice #109 - Optical transient in NGC 300 [NGC 300 OT2008-1]
- 20080516 Special Notice #110 - Update on optical transient in NGC 300 [NGC 300 OT2008-1]
- 20080419 Special Notice #105 - Possible Nova in Sgr [V5579 Sgr]
- 20080508 Special Notice #108 - Sequence available for V5579 Sgr [Nova Sgr 2008]
- 20080423 Special Notice #106 - Nova Sgr 2008 brightening [V5579 Sgr]
- 20080411 Special Notice #103 - V2491 Cygni (Nova in Cygnus) [Nova Cyg 2008 No. 2]
- 20080417 Special Notice #104 - Photometric Sequence for V2491 Cyg now available [Nova Cyg 2008 No. 2]
- 20080404 Special Notice #102 - Possible Nova in Triangulum Australe [NR TrA]
- 20080328 Special Notice #101 - SN 2008bk in NGC 7793
- 20080327 Special Notice #100 - EF Eri in Outburst
- 20080214 Special Notice #97 - Outburst of the WZ Sge-type dwarf nova HV Vir
- 20080205 Special Notice #95 - SN 2008Q in NGC 524
- 20080122 Special Notice #94 - Possible CV in Hya [V498 Hya]
- 20080120 Special Notice #92 - Optical Transient in Canis Minoris [DY CMi]
- 20080207 Special Notice #96 - VSX J074727.6+065050 rebrightening [DY CMi]
- 20080114 Special Notice #91 - BZ UMa Monitoring for Polarization Measurements
- 20080110 Special Notice #89 - Rare Outburst of 0103+59 HT Cas
- 20080105 Special Notice #87 - New WZ Sge variable in Hya [VSX J111217.4-353828]
- 20080110 Special Notice #88 - Update on New WZ Sge variable in Hya [VSX J111217.4-353828]
2007 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20071226 Alert Notice 364 - Nova Vulpeculae 2007 No. 2 = V459 Vul
- 20071226 Special Notice #85 - Possible Nova in Vul [V459 Vul]
- 20071220 Alert Notice 363 - Supernova SN 2007sr in NGC 4038
- 20071114 Alert Notice 362 - Nova in Puppis [Nova Pup 2007 = V597 Pup]
- 20071115 Special Notice #80 - Nova Puppis 2007 = V597 Pup (AAVSO 0812-33)
- 20071107 Alert Notice 361 - Request to monitor SDSS091908 for HST observations
- 20071112 Special Notice #79 - Update of Alert Notice 361: HST Observations of SDSS091908
- 20071105 Alert Notice 360 - Request to Monitor U Gem and SS Cyg for Radio Observations
- 20071019 Alert Notice 359 - Request to monitor SDSS074545 for HST Observations
- 20071029 Special Notice #76 - Support for HST observations of SDSS074545, update
- 20070917 Alert Notice 358 - Monitoring of Mira (omi Cet) in support of HST Observations
- 20070920 Special Notice #69 - Update on AN 358 Mira monitoring campaign
- 20070905 Alert Notice 357 - Outburst of HS 2331+3905
- 20070824 Alert Notice 356 - Request to monitor PQ Andromedae for HST Observations
- 20070711 Alert Notice 353 - Monitoring of Blazars requested for VERITAS/XMM TOO
- 20071030 Special Notice #77 - Update on Alert Notice 353 -- blazar monitoring campaign
- 20070824 Special Notice #62 - Update on Blazar Monitoring Campaign
- 20070620 Alert Notice 352 - V390 Nor = Nova Normae 2007
- 20070608 Alert Notice 351 - Campaign for a New Eclipsing Cepheid
- 20070606 Alert Notice 350 - Exoplanet Transit Search For GJ 436
- 20070412 Alert Notice 349 - Outburst of GW Lib
- 20070508 Special Notice #46 - GW Lib fading
- 20070412 Special Notice #42 - Outburst of GW Lib
- 20070406 Alert Notice 348 - Observe HMXBs; monitor AR UMa; update on Alert Notice 345
- Note: Alert Notice 377 should be moved here when campaign is over.
- 20101020 Special Notice #220 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs)
- 20100730 Special Notice #213 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
- 20100519 Special Notice #210 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
- 20100104 Special Notice #186 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
- 20091108 Special Notice #175 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
- 20090729 Special Notice #163 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
- 20090518 Special Notice #159 - Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
- 20090110 Special Notice #143 - Request extended to observe High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) in support of radial velocity observations
- 20081027 Special Notice #129 - Request extended to observe High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) in support of radial velocity observations
- 20080814 Special Notice #118 - Request extended to observe High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) in support of radial velocity observations
- 20070813 Alert Notice 354 - Extending Request to Observe HMXBs in Support of Radial Velocity Observations
- 20070813 Alert Notice 355 - Correction to Subject Title of Alert Notice 354
- Note: Alert Notice 377 should be moved here when campaign is over.
- 20070222 Alert Notice 347 - 1650-35 V1281 Sco = Nova Scorpii 2007 No. 2
- 20070216 Alert Notice 346 - 1651-32 V1280 Sco = Nova Scorpii 2007
- 20070215 Alert Notice 345 - Request to monitor cataclysmic variables for radio observations
- 20070126 Alert Notice 344 - 1138-57 V1605 Cen = Nova Centauri 2007
- 20070124 Special Notice #32 - Possible Nova in Centaurus [V1605 Cen]
2007 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20071230 Special Notice #86 - Possible outbutburst of the symbiotic star Z Andromedae
- 20071219 Special Notice #84 - Optical transient (possible supernova) in The Antennae Galaxies
- 20071118 Special Notice #81 - Possible Nova/X-ray Transient [V598 Pup]
- 20071120 Special Notice #83 - X-ray Transient/Nova = V598 Pup; Possible Nova in Ser
- 20071119 Special Notice #82 - Update on possible X-ray
- transient/Nova [V598 Pup]
- 20071103 Special Notice #78 - SN 2007oc in NGC 7418A
- 20071022 Special Notice #75 - Monitoring of TT Ari in support of MOST observations
- 20071015 Special Notice #73 - SN 2007le in NGC 772
- 20071017 Special Notice #74 - Sequence available for SN 2007le
- 20071012 Special Notice #72 - 1RXS_J023238.8-371812 rapid fading
- 20071011 Special Notice #71 - Next HST cataclysmic variable scheduled [SDSS J074531.92+453829.5]
- 20071003 Special Notice #70 - Brightening of the symbiotic star AG Draconis
- 20070913 Special Notice #68 - Probable Supernova in NGC 5530 [SN 2007it]
- 20070910 Special Notice #65 - Support for HST Observations of PQ Andromedae
- 20070907 Special Notice #64 - FN Sgr and VZ Sgr
- 20070904 Special Notice #63 - Outburst in HS 2331+3905 [V455 And]
- 20070912 Special Notice #67 - Special Notice #66 on V455 And Corrected
- 20070912 Special Notice #66 - HS 2331+3905 named V455 And
- 20070820 Special Notice #60 - Upcoming primary eclipse of ASAS182612
- 20070816 Special Notice #58 - SN 2007gr in NGC 1058
- 20070819 Special Notice #59 - Update on SN 2007gr
- 20070808 Special Notice #55 - Possible Nova in Vul [V458 Vul]
- 20070822 Special Notice #61 - N Vul 07 is now V458 Vul
- 20070824 Special Notice #57 - Update on V5558 Sgr and N Vul 07 [V458 Vul]
- 20070809 Special Notice #56 - N Vul 07 [V458 Vul]
- 20070822 Special Notice #61 - N Vul 07 is now V458 Vul
- 20070806 Special Notice #54 - Fading of 1544+28A R CrB
- 20070706 Special Notice #52 - AM Her increasing in brightness
- 20070617 Special Notice #49 - Possible Nova in Nor [V390 Nor]
- 20070519 Special Notice #47 - Increased Activity in P Cyg
- 20070420 Special Notice #44 - Possible Nova in Sagittarius [V5558 Sgr]
- 20070814 Special Notice #57 - Update on V5558 Sgr and N Vul 07 [V458 Vul]
- 20070709 Special Notice #53 - Update on V5558 Sgr
- 20070629 Special Notice #51 - V5558 Sgr chart update
- 20070628 Special Notice #50 - Second update on V5558 Sgr
- 20070608 Special Notice #48 - Update on V5558 Sgr
- 20070424 Special Notice #45 - Update on V5558 Sgr
- 20070814 Special Notice #57 - Update on V5558 Sgr and N Vul 07 [V458 Vul]
- 20070414 Special Notice #43 - Possible Super Outburst of BZ UMa
- 20070321 Special Notice #40 - Possible Nova in Oph [V2615 Oph]
- 20070323 Special Notice #41 - Chart Available for N Oph 07 [V2615 Oph]
- 20070316 Special Notice #37 - Possible Nova in Cygnus [V2467 Cyg]
- 20070319 Special Notice #39 - V2467 Cyg [correction]
- 20070319 Special Notice #38 - V2467 Cyg [Nova Cyg 2007]
- 20070308 Special Notice #36 - Variable Star in Triangulum Australe (1612-60 VAR TRA 07)
- 20070224 Special Notice #35 - Eclipse of HD 74057
- 20070221 Special Notice #34 - Another Nova in Sco - Nova Sco 2007 #2 [V1281 Sco]
- 20070207 Special Notice #33 - V1280 Scorpii = Nova Scorpii 2007
- 20070118 Special Notice #29 - Observations requested of 2001+32 V550 Cyg
- 20070119 Special Notice #31 - Corrected text of AAVSO Special Notice #29 - Observations requested of 2001+32 V550 Cyg
- 20070118 Special Notice #30 - Correction to AAVSO Special Notice #29
- 20070110 Special Notice #27 - Possible New Object in Sco/Oph Needs Confirmation
- 20070111 Special Notice #28 - Object in Special Notice #27 False Alarm
2006 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20061110 Alert Notice 343 - Rare outburst of 2320-08 EG Aquarii
- 20061108 Special Notice #24 - Outburst of EG Aqr
- 20061009 Alert Notice 342 - Outburst of 2106-09 VY Aquarii - probably not a superoutburst
- 20061007 Special Notice #19 - Confirmation Needed of Possible VY Aqr Outburst
- 20060904 Alert Notice 341 - NGC 6811 Deep and Wide Field Campaign
- 20060901 Alert Notice 340 - Request to monitor 1744-06 RS Ophiuchi for multiwavength campaign AND Correction
- 20060706 Alert Notice 339 - Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Cataclysmic Variable Survey AND Preliminary NGC 6811 Deep and Wide Field Campaign Announcement
- 20060410 Alert Notice 338 - 1709-29 V2576 Ophiuchi - Nova Ophiuchi 2006 Number 2
- 20060407 Special Notice #11 - Possible New Object in Ophiuchi [V2576 Oph]
- 20060406 Alert Notice 337 - 2107+44 V2362 Cygni = Nova Cygni 2006
- 20060404 Special Notice #10 - Possible Nova in Cyg [V2362 Cyg]
- 20060404 Alert Notice 336 - CCD campaign to observe 1059+23 AH Leo
- 20060213 Alert Notice 335 - Recurrent nova 1744-06 RS Ophiuchi in outburst AND W Vir monitoring window extended to mid-April
- 20060213 Special Notice #6 - Rare Outburst of RS Oph
- 20060128 Alert Notice 334 - Possible New Nova/Dwarf Nova in Hya
- 20060127 Special Notice #3 - Possible New Nova/Dwarf Nova in Hya
- 20060121 Alert Notice 333 - Possible New Dwarf Nova in Cet (ASAS023322)
- 20060121 Special Notice #2 - Possible New Nova/Dwarf Nova in Cet
- 20060118 Alert Notice 332 - Request to monitor V426 Oph for XMM Newton observations
- 20060110 Alert Notice 331 - Monitoring requested on Cepheid variable 1320-02 W Vir 20060
2006 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20061215 Special Notice #26 - Possible Minor Outburst of 0324+43 GK Persei
- 20061120 Special Notice #25 - Variable Star in Leo = 1016+24 VAR LEO 06
- 20061106 Special Notice #23 - 0802-27 Supernova 2006mq in ESO 494-G26 (Puppis)
- 20061031 Special Notice #22 - Bright New Variable in Cassiopeia
- 20061026 Special Notice #21 - Possible New Object in Tau
- 20061011 Special Notice #20 - Possible Supernova in UGC 4904 (Lynx) [Sn 2006jc]
- 20060914 Special Notice #18 - Rare Outburst of 0829+53 SW UMa
- 20060824 Special Notice #17 - Supernova 2006ej in NGC 191A (Cetus)
- 20060719 Special Notice #16 - Possible AG Dra Brightening
- 20060714 Special Notice #15 - V1316 Cyg Monitoring Campaign
- 20060622 Special Notice #14 - BZ UMa Outburst
- 20060620 Special Notice #13 - Supernova 2006dd in NGC 1316 (Fornax)
- 20060511 Special Notice #12 - 0218-21 Supernova 2006ce (Cetus)
- 20060330 Special Notice #9 - V1343 Aql (SS433) Suzaku Observing Campaign Support
- 20060222 Special Notice #8 - GRB060218
- 20060218 Special Notice #7 - Possible Nova in Sgr [V5117 Sgr]
- 20060210 Special Notice #5 - Possible New Object In Oph
- 20060206 Special Notice #4 - Outburst of 1137+72 DO Dra
2005 Alert and Special Notices (Special Notices may be dated later)
- 20051130 Alert Notice 330 - Nova LMC 2005 - Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- 20051122 Alert Notice 329 - 1815+50 DV Draconis - Rare outburst
- 20051017 Alert Notice 328 - V477 Scuti = Nova Scuti 2005 Number 2 - Nova in Scutum
- 20051003 Alert Notice 327 - Nova Scuti 2005 - Probable Nova in Scutum [V476 Sct]
- 20050824 Alert Notice 326 - Request to monitor 2035-01 AE Aqr for multiwavelength campaign AND Reminder to monitor HT Cas, Z Cha, and OY Car
- 20050823 Alert Notice 325 - 1955+22C Var Vul 05 - New variable near M27 [V498 Vul]
- 20050817 Alert Notice 324 - 1614-15 V818 Sco - Request for observations to support Spitzer observations
- 20050726 Alert Notice 323 - 1737-34 Nova Scorpii 2005 [V1188 Sco]
- 20050714 Alert Notice 322 - Multicolor CCD campaign for AM Her to support XMM Newton observations AND BP Hyi eclipsing binary campaign
- 20050713 Alert Notice 321 - Multicolor CCD campaign for AS 325 to support Spitzer observations
- 20050705 Alert Notice 320 - 1811-30 Nova Sagittarii 2005 No. 2 [V5116 Sgr]
- 20050622 Alert Notice 319 - Request to monitor the CV SDSS161033 (1605-00) for HST observations AND TU Cas comparison stars
- 20050610 Alert Notice 318 - New Alert Notice publication policy AND Possible nova in Aquila*** AND New possible CV in Norma AND Request to monitor the CV SDSS 013132 for HST observations AND V2291 Oph eclipse PEP campaign AND TU Cas visual+PEP+CCD campaign
- 20050603 Alert Notice 317 - Request to monitor 0103+59 HT Cas, 0809-76 Z Cha, 1004-69 OY Car AND Request to monitor 2147+13 LS Peg AND Request to monitor 1743-12 V378 Ser (Nova Ser 2005)
- 20050330 Alert Notice 316 - Nova in Sagittarius = V5115 Sgr (= N Sgr 05) AND Announcement about AAVSO Alert Notice 315
- 20050321 Alert Notice 315 - Nova Nor 2005 [V382 Nor]
- 20050316 Alert Notice 314 - Possible nova in Pyxis - 0914-29 N Pyx 05 [DT Pyx, not a nova but UGSU] AND New probable CV - 0523+62 RXSJ053234 (Bernhard01) AND Follow-up on request to monitor U Gem
- 20050211 Alert Notice 313 - 2005+39 N Cygni 2005 [V2361 Cyg] AND 1258-49 SN 2005af in NGC 4945 (Centaurus) AND Reminder to monitor 0749+22 U Geminorum
2005 Special Notices not associated with Alert Notices
- 20051208 Special Notice #1 - Exoplanet Transit Campaign for Southern Hemisphere
2004 Alert Notices
- 20041122 Alert Notice 312 - Apparent nova in Puppis - 0737-26 N Pup 04 AND Request to monitor 0749+22 U Geminorum [V574 Pup]
- 20041021 Alert Notice 311 - 0505-68 YY Dor - Possible recurrent nova AND 2247-14 IL Aqr - Exoplanet transit campaign
- 20040805 Alert Notice 310 - Probable nova in Scorpius - 1722-31 N Sco 04#2 AND Reminder to monitor 1931-46 QS Tel to trigger Chandra observations AND Reminder to monitor 0409-71 VW Hyi in support of FUSE observations AND Outburst of 2328+48 Z And continues [V1187 Sco]
- 20040727 Alert Notice 309 - FUSE satellite observations scheduled for 0409-71 VW Hyi AND Outburst of 2328+48 Z And
- 20040717 Alert Notice 308 - 0409-71 VW Hyi in outburst - update on request for monitoring
- 20040706 Alert Notice 307 - 1706-30 Nova Scorpii 2004 [V1186 Sco]
- 20040622 Alert Notice 306 - Possible new variable in Hercules - 1835+25 Var Her 04 AND Update on request for monitoring of 0409-71 VW Hyi [V1108 Her]
- 20040525 Alert Notice 305 - Request for monitoring of the SU UMa-type cataclysmic variable 0409-71 VW Hydri
- 20040415 Alert Notice 304 - 1732-23 Nova Ophiuchi 2004 - possible nova in Ophiuchus [V2574 Oph]
- 20040317 Alert Notice 303 - 1813-28B Nova Sagittarii 2004 - possible nova in Sagittarius [V5114 Sgr]
2003 Alert Notices
- 20030925 Alert Notice 302 - Request for monitoring of the magnetic cataclysmic variable 1931-46 QS Tel
- 20030521 Alert Notice 301 - Observations requested for 1041-59 eta Car and 2349+56 rho Cas
- 20030324 Alert Notice 300 - 1009+03B Supernova 2003cg in NGC 3169
- 20030107 Alert Notice 299 - 0242-30B Supernova 2003B near NGC 1097
2002 Alert Notices
- 20021028 Alert Notice 298 - Nova Sagittarii 2002 No. 4 - Possible nova in Sagittarius [V4744 Sgr]
- 20020923 Alert Notice 297 - 1855-22 Nova Sagittarii 2002 No. 3 - Another nova in Sagittarius [V4743 Sgr]
- 20020916 Alert Notice 296 - 1756-25 Nova Sagittarii 2002 No. 2 - Possible nova in Sagittarius [V4742 Sgr]
- 20020416 Alert Notice 295 - 1753-30B Nova Sagittarii 2002 AND 0006-12 WW Cet request to monitor for RXTE observations [V4741 Sgr]
- 20020305 Alert Notice 294 - 0538-71 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud AND 0507-15 Supernova 2002bj in NGC 1821 (Lepus) AND 0324+43 GK Persei in outburst - request to monitor
- 20020128 Alert Notice 293 - 1731-16 Nova Ophiuchi 2002 AND 1424+00 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299 (Virgo) AND 0324+43 GK Persei - reminder to monitor for observing campaign [V2540 Oph]
- 20020110 Alert Notice 292 - 0659-03 Peculiar variable in Monoceros (Var Mon 02) [V838 Mon]
2001 Alert Notices
- 20011003 Alert Notice 291 - 1348-63 Nova Centauri 2001 - possible nova in Centaurus [V1039 Cen]
- 20010920 Alert Notice 290 - Supernova 2001el in NGC 1448 (Horologium) AND Request to monitor cataclysmic variables for XMM-Newton observations
- 20010906 Alert Notice 289 - 1805-30 Nova Sagittarii 2001 No. 3 [V4740 Sgr]
- 20010827 Alert Notice 288 - 1818-30B Nova Sagittarii 2001 No. 2 AND 0329-36B Supernova 2001du in NGC 1365 in Fornax AND 2059+48 Nova Cygni 2001 No. 2 = V2275 Cygni AND 2003+17 WZ Sagittae superoutburst update - dramatic fluctuations continue [V4739 Sgr]
- 20010821 Alert Notice 287 - 2059+48 Nova Cygni 2001 No. 2 AND 2003+17 WZ Sagittae superoutburst continues - recovering from dramatic dip [V2275 Cyg]
- 20010723 Alert Notice 286 - 2003+17 WZ Sagittae in outburst AND 2003+35 Nova Cygni 2001 = V2274 Cygni - Update
- 20010621 Alert Notice 285 - 1750-32 Var Sco 01 - novalike variable in Scorpius [V1178 Sco]
- 20010614 Alert Notice 284 - 1836-65 Supernova 2001cn in IC 4758 (Pavo)
- 20010521 Alert Notice 283 - Rare superoutburst of 1227+14 AL Comae Berenices AND 1902+11 Nova Aquilae 2001 - update and new chart [V1548 Aql]
- 20010518 Alert Notice 282 - 1902+11 Nova Aquilae 2001 (= TAV J1907+117) AND 2248-14 IL Aquarii = Gliese 876 - Note [V1548 Aql]
- 20010511 Alert Notice 281 - 0829+28 Supernova 2001bg in NGC 2608 (Cancer) AND Reminder - observations requested for 0803+62 SU UMa being observed with RXTE AND Possible planetary transits of 2248-14 IL Aquarii = Gliese 876
- 20010226 Alert Notice 280 - 1748-26 Nova Sagittarii 2001 [V4643 Sgr]
- 20010102 Alert Notice 279 - 0733-25 N? Pup 2000 - possible nova in Puppis AND Superoutbursts of 1132+02 RZ Leonis and 0203+56A UV Persei AND Reminder - Chandra and RXTE observations planned for 2138+43 SS Cygni [V445 Pup]
2000 Alert Notices
- 20001120 Alert Notice 278 - 1017-49 V383 Velorum (NSV 4834) = new dwarf nova
- 20000713 Alert Notice 277 - 0526-70 Nova LMC 2000 in the Large Magellanic Cloud AND 2138+43 SS Cygni multiwavelength observations rescheduled
- 20000518 Alert Notice 276 - 1903-57 Supernova 2000cj in NGC 6753 in Pavo AND 1846-01D Probable nova in Aquila = 1846-01 CI Aquilae
- 20000510 Alert Notice 275 - 0755+67 Supernova 2000ce in UGC 4195 in Camelopardalis
- 20000501 Alert Notice 274 - 1846-01D Probable nova in Aquila = CI Aquilae??
- 20000320 Alert Notice 273 - 1828-14 Nova Scuti 2000 AND 2138+43 SS Cygni being observed with RXTE for three months
- 20000313 Alert Notice 272 - 1301-27 Supernova 2000P in NGC 4965 in Hydra AND 1247-28 EX Hydrae - multiwavelength observing campaign scheduled
- 20000210 Alert Notice 271 - 1749-19 N? Sgr 00 - possible nova in Sagittarius AND Request to monitor 0549-03 UX Ori, 0532-06B BF Ori, and 0533+26 RR Tau AND 1058+45 AN Ursae Majoris to be observed with EUVE satellite [V4642 Sgr]
- 20000128 Alert Notice 270 - 2036+65 Supernova 2000E in NGC 6951 in Cepheus
- 20000114 Alert Notice 269 - 0735-40 CGCS 1825 - new red variable in Puppis [V671 Pup]
1999 Alert Notices
- 19991220 Alert Notice 268 - 1216+05 Supernova 1999gn in NGC 4303 = M61
- 19991210 Alert Notice 267 - 1012+41 Supernova 1999gi in NGC 3184
- 19991206 Alert Notice 266 - 0939-20 Supernova 1999gh in NGC 2986 AND 1058+45 AN Ursae Majoris to be observed with EUVE satellite
- 19991202 Alert Notice 265 - 1918+04 Nova Aquilae 1999 Number 2 = V1494 Aql
- 19991202 Alert Notice 264 - 1918+04 Nova Aquilae 1999 Number 2 [V1494 Aql]
- 19991101 Alert Notice 263 - 0436-03 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
- 19990825 Alert Notice 262 - 1415-68 Nova Circini 1999 AND Fading of 1544+28A R Coronae Borealis AND Update on two recent novae (V1493 Aql, V382 Vel) and AM Herculis [DD Cir]
- 19990715 Alert Notice 261 - 1903+12 Nova Aquilae 1999 [V1493 Aql]
- 19990630 Alert Notice 260 - 0014-06 Supernova 1999cw in MCG -01-02-001 (PGC 1288)
- 19990525 Alert Notice 259 - 1040-51 Nova Velorum 1999 [V382 Vel]
- 19990503 Alert Notice 258 - 0915+51 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
- 19990428 Alert Notice 257 - Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni for multiwavelength observations
- 19990427 Alert Notice 256 - 1801-27 Nova Sagittarii 1999 [V4444 Sgr]
- 19990225 Alert Notice 255 - Outburst of the recurrent nova 1616-17 U Scorpii
- 19990222 Alert Notice 254 - Minor outburst of 0324+43 GK Persei AND Request to monitor 1058+45 AN Ursae Majoris AND Request to monitor 0014+21 QR Andromedae
- 19990128 Alert Notice 253 - Special and unique optical monitoring request - 1522+45 GRB 990123 - gamma-ray burster event with bright optical counterpart
1998 Alert Notices
- 19981023 Alert Notice 252 - 1749-31 Nova Scorpii 1998 [V1142 Sco]
- 19980828 Alert Notice 251 - 1903-50 Supernova 1998dq in NGC 6754 AND Rare outburst of the TOAD-type cataclysmic variable 1626+21 V592 Herculis AND Fading of 1544+28A R Coronae Borealis AND Request for observations of 0409-71 VW Hydri and 0749+22 U Geminorum
- 19980618 Alert Notice 250 - 1726-19 Nova Ophiuchi 1998 [V2487 Oph]
- 19980511 Alert Notice 249 - 1041+12 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368 (= M96) AND AAVSO charge-free number to change
- 19980501 Alert Notice 248 - 1750+18 Supernova 1998bp in NGC 6495
- 19980429 Alert Notice 247 - 1224-22 Supernova 1998bn in NGC 4462
- 19980415 Alert Notice 246 - 1151+55 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
- 19980323 Alert Notice 245 - 1815-27 Nova Sagittarii 1998 [V4633 Sgr]
- 19980313 Alert Notice 244 - 1140+48 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877 AND Fading of 1921+50 CH Cygni
1997 Alert Notices
- 19971106 Alert Notice 243 - Supernova 1997dq in NGC 3810
- 19971103 Alert Notice 242 - Superoutburst of 2110+13 EF Pegasi AND Request to monitor 0749+22 U Geminorum for observations with EUVE and RXTE
- 19971010 Alert Notice 241 - Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni for observations with HST, EUVE, and RXTE AND Note about Alert Notices and News Flashes
- 19970609 Alert Notice 240 - 1747-30 Nova Scorpii 1997 [V1141 Sco]
- 19970606 Alert Notice 239 - Outburst of 2328+48 Z Andromedae AND Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni AND Request to monitor 1813+49 AM Herculis
- 19970408 Alert Notice 238 - Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
- 19970219 Alert Notice 237 - Observations of dwarf novae requested AND Request to monitor 1807+69 3C 371 (Draco) AND Bright maximum of 0214-03 omicron Cet (Mira)
- 19970502 Alert Notice 236 - 1243-02 Supernova 1997X in NGC 4691
- 19970113 Alert Notice 235 - Rare outburst of 1950+32A EY Cygni AND Outburst of 0058+40 RX Andromedae AND Short outburst of 0846+58 BZ Ursae Majoris
1996 Alert Notices
- 19961220 Alert Notice 234 - Rare outburst of 1858+42 V493 Lyrae AND Second set of observations scheduled in international observing campaign on 1913+49 AM Herculis
- 19961202 Alert Notice 233 - Rare outburst of 0837+28 EG Cancri AND Request to monitor several R Coronae Borealis stars
- 19961118 Alert Notice 232 - Extreme faintness and unusual behavior of 0058+40 RX Andromedae
- 19961017 Alert Notice 231 - Rare bright outburst of 1137+72 DO Draconis (= YY Draconis)
- 19961016 Alert Notice 230 - 1343+61 Supernova 1996bk in NGC 5308 AND Fading of 0059+53 Nova Cas 1995 AND 2138+43 SS Cygni in outburst and under observation by RXTE and EUVE AND 0207-63 WX Hydri and 2138+43 SS Cygni observed with Hubble Space Telescope [V723 Cas]
- 19960918 Alert Notice 229 - Request and reminder to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni for observations with HST and with EUVE, RXTE, and SAX AND Reminder - 0207-63 WX Hydri to be observed with Hubble Space Telescope
- 19960906 Alert Notice 228 - Request to monitor 1804+67 HS 1804+6753 for observations with Hubble Space Telescope
- 19960828 Alert Notice 227 - 1205-61 probable nova in Crux AND Outburst of 0749+22 U Geminorum AND Brightening of 1848-19 FN Sagittarii [CP Cru]
- 19960806 Alert Notice 226 - 1817-18 Nova Sagittarii 1996 [V4361 Sgr]
- 19960731 Alert Notice 225 - 0241-08 Supernova 1996an in NGC 1084 AND 0207-63 WX Hydri to be observed with Hubble Space Telescope
- 19960724 Alert Notice 224 - 2327-54 Supernova 1996al in NGC 7689
- 19960710 Alert Notice 223 - Request to monitor 1813+49 AM Herculis for observations with Hubble Space Telescope AND Request to monitor 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii for observations with Hubble Space Telescope
- 19960625 Alert Notice 222 - Extreme fading of 1921+50 CH Cygni AND Reminder - Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni for Observations with HST, EUVE, and RXTE
- 19960509 Alert Notice 221 - Fading of 2007+20 FG Sge AND Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cyg for observations with HST, EUVE, and RXTE AND 1058+38 Markarian 421 in outburst AND Activity of 1814+39 AM Her continues AND 1746-17 -- Sgr is a new planetary-nebula nucleus [V4334 Sgr]
- 19960403 Alert Notice 220 - Observations of 1058+38 Markarian 421 with Hubble Space Telescope AND Outburst of 0324+43 GK Persei AND 1813+49 AM Herculis may be fading from high state AND 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii to be observed with Hubble Space Telescope
- 19960228 Alert Notice 219 - Minor outburst of 0324+43 GK Persei AND 0059+53 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995 [V723 Cas]
- 19960216 Alert Notice 218 - Monitoring of AM Her for international observing campaign AND Monitoring of the cataclysmic variable V1159 Ori AND Fluctuations of Nova Cas 1995 AND Request to monitor SS Cyg AND Request to monitor WX Hyi AND Request to monitor GK Per
1995 Alert Notices
- 19951116 Alert Notice 217 - Brightening of 0059+53 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995 AND Request to monitor dwarf nova 0103+59 HT Cassiopeiae AND Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni [V723 Cas]
- 19951103 Alert Notice 216 - 0945+34 Supernova 1995al in NGC 3021 AND Fading of 1544+28a R Coronae Borealis continues AND Fading of 1510+82 Z Ursae Minoris
- 19951016 Alert Notice 215 - Dwarf nova 0043+56b GX Cas in outburst AND 1544+28a R Coronae Borealis continues to fade AND Brightening of 1848-19 FN Sagittarii AND Reminders on 0409-71 VW Hydri, 0749+22 U Geminorum, and 2138+43 SS Cygni
- 19951003 Alert Notice 214 - 0557-23 Supernova 1995ad in NGC 2139 AND 0059+53 Nova Cas 1995 AND Observations of 0409-71 VW Hyi and 0749+22 U Gem AND Fading of 1544+28a R CrB AND Change of Julian Date to 2450000 and AAVSO Data Entry Program [V723 Cas]
- 19950828 Alert Notice 213 - 0059+53 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995 [V723 Cas]
- 19950811 Alert Notice 212 - 1958+56 V1028 Cyg slowly fading from outburst AND Probable change in classification of 1644-25 AF Scorpii AND 0241-00 Supernova 1995V in NGC 1087
- 19950801 Alert Notice 211 - AAVSO on World Wide Web AND 1958+56 V1028 Cygni in outburst AND Brightening of 1601+67 AG Draconis AND 0409-71 VW Hydri observed with EUVE AND Reminders - GK Persei and T Pyxidis
- 19950707 Alert Notice 210 - 1147+49 BC Ursae Majoris in outburst AND Reminders on 0409-71 VW Hydri and 2138+43 SS Cygni AND Current activity on some cataclysmic variables
- 19950621 Alert Notice 209 - Outburst of 2325+43 DX Andromedae AND Outburst of 2318+17 EP Pegasi AND New variable in Crux - 1250-60 Var Cru AND Reminders to monitor 0409-71 VW Hydri and 2138+43 SS Cygni [NSV 19555]
- 19950605 Alert Notice 208 - AAVSO has new Internet address AND Request to monitor 0409-71 VW Hydri AND Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni
- 19950503 Alert Notice 207 - Fading of 2055+43 V1057 Cygni AND Ending of the superoutburst of 1227+14 AL Comae Berenices AND Fading of 1904+43 MV Lyrae AND Erratum (GK Per)
- 19950405 Alert Notice 206 - Rare outburst of 1227+14 AL Comae Berenices
- 19950404 Alert Notice 205 - Outburst of 0749+22 U Geminorum AND 1900-01 Nova Aquilae 1995 AND Request to monitor 1544+28a R Coronae Borealis AND Monitoring of 0900-31 T Pyxidis AND Monitoring of the old nova 0324+43 GK Persei [V1425 Aql]
- 19950322 Alert Notice 204 - A very successful Astro-2 mission completed AND Superoutburst of 1051+50 CY Ursae Majoris AND Outburst of 0203+56a UV Persei AND Reminder - monitoring 0749+22 U Geminorum AND Correction to AAVSO Alert Notice 196 - 2110+13 EF Pegasi
- 199500303 Alert Notice 203 - 0527-70 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud (N LMC 95) AND Astro-2 cataclysmic variables [Nova LMC 1995]
- 19950302 Alert Notice 202 - Nova Centauri 1995 AND SN 1995G in NGC 1643 AND SN 1995F in NGC 2726 AND Nova Aquilae 1995 AND Nova Circini 1995 AND Astro-2 is launched - reminder to monitor CVs for Astro-2, EUVE, Voyager, and ASCA [V888 Cen] [V1425 Aql] [BY Cir]
- 19950223 Alert Notice 201 - 0740+73 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441 AND Important reminder [CV observations for Astro-2, EUVE, Voyager, and ASCA] and Thanks [CV observations for Keele U. request and Hipparcos red variables for calibration]
- Alert Notice 200 bad link
- Alert Notice 199 bad link
- 19950130 Alert Notice 198 - 1436-63 Nova Circini 1995 [BY Cir]
- 19950127 Alert Notice 197 - Observations of cataclysmic variables for Astro-2, EUVE, Voyager, and ASCA satellites AND Reminder regarding outburst of 0749+22 U Gem
- 19950112 Alert Notice 196 - Outburst of 2110+13 EF Pegasi AND Request to monitor some Hipparacos red variables for photometric calibration
1994 Alert Notices
- 19941123 Alert Notice 195 - Symbiotic stars AND Cataclysmic variables AND 1510+83 Z Ursae Minoris
- 19941004 Alert Notice 194 - 2027+52 V1974 Cygni = Nova Cygni 1992 AND Outburst of 2209+12 RU Pegasi AND 1824-17 Nova Sagittarii 1994#2 [V4362 Sgr]
- 19940929 Alert Notice 193 - Outburst of CV DX And AND V1974 Cyg=Nova Cyg 1992 AND Request to monitor CVs for HST and IUE AND Outburst of UZ Boo AND Updates on Southern RCB variables AND Outburst of RU Peg
- 19940829 Alert Notice 192 - Outburst of IP Peg AND Request for observations of HT Cas, UX UMa, and IP Peg AND Outburst of UZ Boo continues AND Outburst of SS Cyg
- 19940818 Alert Notice 191 - Rare outburst of UZ Boo
- 19940812 Alert Notice 190 - 1753-25 Var Sgr - New variable in Sgr AND FN Sgr - chart correction [V4683 Sgr]
- 19940801 Alert Notice 189 - 1157+62 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
- 19940714 Alert Notice 188 - Outburst of old nova LQ Sgr AND Nova Oph 1994 AND Recent outburst of SS Cyg AND Recent outburst of symbiotic star AG Dra
- 19940603 Alert Notice 187 - 1729-19 Nova Ophiuchi 1994 [V2313 Oph] AND Outburst of TV Corvi AND Bright outburst of UV Persei - correction and update
- 19940601 Alert Notice 186 - Bright outburst of UV Per AND Nova Sgr 1994 Number 2 [V4362 Sgr] AND Nova Cas 1993 [V705 Cas] AND Superoutburst of VW Hyi AND Reminder on SS Cyg
- 19940524 Alert Notice 185 - Nova Sgr 1994 Number 2 [V4362 Sgr]
- 19940517 Alert Notice 184 - Brightening of YY Dra (= DO Dra) AND Requests for monitoring (SS Cyg, EX Hya, VW Hyi, AM Her)
- 19940405 Alert Notice 183 - 1325+47 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194 AND Peculiar variable in Sagittarius (1848-19B VAR SGR) AND Reminder about reporting data
- 19940311 Alert Notice 182 - 1229+08 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526 AND 1844-21 Nova Sagittarii 1994???
- 19940302 Alert Notice 181 - 1844-21 Nova Sagittarii 1994 AND Rapid fading of 2337+56 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 [V705 Cas] AND Erratum from Alert Notice 180
- 19940208 Alert Notice 180 - 2337+56 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 [V705 Cas] AND Special request to monitor dwarf novae
1993 Alert Notices
- 19931214 Alert Notice 179 - 2337+56 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 [V705 Cas] AND Brightening of 0849+20 OJ 287 Cnc AND Close monitoring requested
- 19930923 Alert Notice 178 - 1425-50 Nova Lupi 1993 AND Revised finder chart for 1806-29 Nova Sagittarii 1993 [V4327 Sgr] AND Successful completion of ORFEUS Mission AND Outburst of 0409-71 VW Hydri
- 19930917 Alert Notice 177 - Nova Sagittarii 1993 [V4327 Sgr] AND Outburst of 0409-71 VW Hydri
- 19930910 Alert Notice 176 - Fourth update on ORFEUS mission AND Fading of 1544+28A R Coronae Borealis AND Revised finder charts for 1908+01 Nova Aquilae 1993 [V1419 Aql] and 1911-00 FO Aquilae AND EUVE observations of 2138+43 SS Cygni during its recent outburst AND Reminders
- 19930804 Alert Notice 175 - Further update on ORFEUS mission AND Request to monitor Perseid meteors AND Request to monitor cataclysmic variable 2023+43 V503 Cygni AND Reminders
- 19930722 Alert Notice 174 - Update on ORFEUS mission AND Request for continued monitoring of 0409-71 VW Hydri and 2138+43 SS Cygni AND Request to continue to monitor 1813+49 AM Herculis AND Update on 1910-33 RY Sagittarii AND Reminder of request to monitor 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii
- 19930707 Alert Notice 173 - Request to monitor cataclysmic variables during ORFEUS mission AND 1908+01 Nova Aquilae 1993 [V1419 Aql] AND Fading of 1910-33 RY Sagittarii AND Request to monitor 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii
- 19930518 Alert Notice 172 - 1908+01 Nova Aquilae 1993 [V1419 Aql] AND Brightening of 1556-40 EX Lupi AND Revision of request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni and 1014+20 AD Leo AND 1719-23 Nova Ophiuchi 1993 [V2295 Oph] AND 0947+69 SN 1993J in NGC 3031
- 19930505 Alert Notice 171 - 2252-36 SN 1993L in IC 5270 AND Request to monitor 2138+43 SS Cygni and 1014+20 AD Leo for ASCA mission AND 2106-09 VY Aquarii outburst AND 0846+58 BZ Ursae Majoris outburst AND 0947+69 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031 AND 1719-23 Nova Ophiuchi 1993 [V2295 Oph] AND 1809-00 FG Serpentis (AS 296) (Please note revised designation)
- 19930421 Alert Notice 170 - 1721-23 Nova Ophiuchi 1993 [V2295 Oph] AND 0946+69 Supernova in NGC 3031 (M81) [SN 1993J] AND 1810-00 FG Serpentis (AS 296)
- 19930330 Alert Notice 169 - Supernova in MGC 3031 (M81) [SN 1993J] AND Outburst of 0749+22 U Geminorum AND Fading of 0543+19 SU Tauri AND Request to monitor 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii
- 19930218 Alert Notice 168 - Superoutburst of 0829+53 SW Ursae Majoris AND Superoutburst of 1215-17 - Crv (Tombaugh's nova-dwarf nova) [TV Crv] AND Outburst of 0830+21 CC Cancri AND Reminders
- 19930201 Alert Notice 167 - The symbiotic star 1810-00 FG Serpentis (AS 296) AND Forthcoming outburst of 0749+22 U Geminorum
1992 Alert Notices
- 19921113 Alert Notice 166 - Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992 [N LMC 1992]
- 19921026 Alert Notice 165 - Rare outburst of 0846+58 BZ Ursae Majoris
- 19921015 Alert Notice 164 - Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3 [V4171 Sgr]
- 19921002 Alert Notice 163 - Supernova in NGC 2082 AND Fading of 2007+20 FG Sagittae
- 19920827 Alert Notice 162 - Multiwavelength observations of Nova Cygni 1992 [V1974 Cyg] AND Variable star observations for EUVE AND Reminders
- 19920731 Alert Notice 161 - Announcement of 800 number telephone line for AAVSO HQ AND Requests for data support for satellite observations of variable stars
- 19920710 Alert Notice 160 - 1817-18 Nova Sagittarii 1992 #2 [V4169 Sgr] AND Minor outburst of 0324+43 GK Persei (Nova Persei 1901) AND Supernova in NGC 4411B
- 19920714 Correction to AAVSO Alert Notice 160 [the Correction is not an Alert Notice]
- 19920707 Alert Notice 159 - Minor outburst of 0324+43 GK Persei (Nova Per 1901) AND 1221+09 Supernova in NGC 4411B
- 19920702 Alert Notice 158 - Supernova in NGC 4411B AND Successful launch of NASA's Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer and detection of first light
- 19920528 Alert Notice 157 - 1700-43 Probable nova in Scorpius AND 2027+52 Nova Cygni 1992 AND Data support for satellite observations of cataclysmic variables
- 19920416 Alert Notice 156 - 2027+52 Nova Cygni 1992 [V1974 Cyg] AND 0807-34 Nova Puppis 1991 and Updates on rare dwarf novae outbursts AND Participation in monitoring cataclysmic variables for EUVE Survey
- 19920220 Alert Notice 155 - Nova Cygni 1992 [V1974 Cyg] AND Nova Sagittarii 1992 [V4157 Sgr] AND Supernova 1992G in NGC 3294 AND Predicted eclipse of the very long period eclipsing binary 2205+55 EE Cephei
- 19920214 Alert Notice 154 - Possible Nova in Sagittarius [V4157 Sgr] AND New request to monitor high-galactic latitude cataclysmic variables for IUE observing runs
- 19920114 Alert Notice 153 - Supernova in NGC 1380 AND Nova Puppis 1991 [V351 Pup]
- 19920106 Alert Notice 152 - Nova Puppis 1991 [V351 Pup]
1991 Alert Notices
- 19911224 Alert Notice 151 - Superoutburst of 0203+56A UV Persei AND Superoutburst of 0803+62 SU Ursae Majoris AND Supernova in NGC 4374 [SN 1991bg]
- 19911031 Alert Notice 150 - Rare outburst of 2137+48 V1251 Cygni AND Large amplitude HIPPARCOS stars in need of more observations AND Updates on the activities of stars reported in Alert Notice 149
- 19911001 Alert Notice 149 - Outburst of 1825-29 V1017 Sagittarii AND 1834-23 V348 Sagittarii AND Fading of 1808-29 VZ Sagittarii AND Acknowledgements and reminders
- 19910903 Alert Notice 148 - Nova Scuti 1991 AND Request to monitor dwarf novae for IUE observing runs [V444 Sct]
- 19910801 Alert Notice 147 - Probable nova in Sagittarius AND Special multiwavelength monitoring of 0201+14 TT Arietis [V4160 Sgr]
- 19910719 Alert Notice 146 - Special multiwavelength monitoring of 0201+14 TT Arietis
- 19910603 Alert Notice 145 - Request to monitor dwarf novae for IUE observing runs AND Request to monitor high-galactic latitude cataclysmic variables for IUE observing run
- 19910506 Alert Notice 144 - Supernova 1991X in NGC 4902 AND Monitoring of 1910-33 RY Sagittarii
- 19910503 Alert Notice 143 - Major campaign on the flare star 1014+20 AD Leo AND SN 1991T AND Nova Her 1991 AND Nova Men (LMC) 1991
- 19910419 Alert Notice 142 - Nova Ophiuchi 1991 AND Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991 AND Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527 AND Nova Herculis 1991 AND Nova Centauri 1991 [V2264 Oph] [V838 Her] [V868 Cen]
- 19910417 Alert Notice 141 - Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527 AND Nova Herculis 1991 AND Nova Centauri 1991 [V838 Her] [V868 Cen]
- 19910405 Alert Notice 140 - Nova Centauri 1991 AND Nova Herculis 1991 [V868 Cen] [V838 Her]
- 19910329 Alert Notice 139 - Nova Herculis 1991 AND Outburst of 2325+43 DX Andromedae [V838 Her]
- 19910325 Alert Notice 138 - Nova Herculis 1991 AND Special request to monitor R Coronae Borealis stars [V838 Her]
- 19910114 Alert Notice 137 - Last list for monitoring ROSAT targets
Alert Notices 1 - 136 to be added here when they become available.
PEP: Special AAVSO Photoelectric Photometry Alert Notices
- 20110517 Alert Notice 440 - PEP Observing Campaign on P Cygni
- 20050128 Notice #3 - 2248+16 IM Pegasi - please follow very closely over coming months
- 20040524 Notice #2 - Request to monitor 2248+16 IM Pegasi in support of Gravity Probe B Satellite
- 20010920 Notice #1 - Request to monitor 2248+16 IM Pegasi in support of Gravity Probe B Satellite (files)
- 19931222 Notice #00 - Special Notice to AAVSO Photoelectric Observers [2337+56 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993] [V705 Cas]
- 19911004 Notice #0 - Multiwavelength monitoring of 2349+28 II Pegasi
- 19800922 Notice #A - Special Alert Notice to PEP Observers [HR 913 = HD 18894]
Un-numbered AAVSO Alert Notices
- 19821108 - Special Alert Notice on Cataclysmic Variables [2] [36 dwarf novae Dec. = +77 - -76]
- 19820119 - Special Alert Notice on Cataclysmic Variables [1] [17 dwarf novae Dec. = +27 - -79]
- 19811123 - Special AAVSO Alert Notice on Dwarf Novae [9 dwarf novae Dec. = +60 - -30]
- 19800429 - Special Alert Notice - II [16 dwarf novae Dec. = +70 - -30]
- 19800201 - Special Alert Notice [17 dwarf novae Dec. = +70 - -30]
- 19740731 - AAVSO Alert Notices [Z Cam, omi Cet, TX Cam]