Thu, 07/16/2015 - 16:58
An observing campaign is being carried out next week on 17 cataclysmic variables using the William Herschel Telescope. The PI is Roque Ruiz-Carmona (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Observers are requested to take ONE image of each of as many of the targets on the list as possible during a certain window on July 21-22 UT and POST THE IMAGE(S) TO THIS THREAD, one image per posting. The PI will view and retrieve the images from this thread.
This campaign is a little unusual in that images are requested. They will be used to help determine the final target list for the WHT observations.
Please see AAVSO Alert Notice 524 for full details and observing instructions.
Many thanks, and good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
Interesting. I'm familiar with 16 of these fields yet can't contribute because I don't image (except for occasional BRT which is currently broken).
Another nail in the visual observers coffin?
Hi Gary,
I very much appreciate your post. The targets and requirements for this campaign fall in the boundary between visual and CCD observing. I certainly didn't intend to exclude anyone who can visually observe faint enough for this campaign. Anyone who can contribute data that will be helpful to the PI is encouraged to participate.
We didn't specifically include visual observations because the targets are all so faint at minimum, and the PI needs to know not only whether an outburst might be underway but also at what stage the outburst is (e.g., just starting, full-blown, winding down, etc.) and most of those magnitudes would likely be too faint for visual observations; he needs to know just how bright the target is. We asked for images rather than magnitudes because taking an image and just posting it is faster than reducing it to a magnitude, and there is not much time between the AAVSO observing window itself and the submission window closing. The idea is to take the image and get it to the PI as fast as possible and let him evaluate it.
If you can obtain a positive visual observation (or a fainter-than that is reasonably below outburst magnitude level), please go ahead (use the sequence available via VSP) and post it on this thread and submit it to the AID.
Thanks again for your post, and for wanting to participate and contribute!
Good observing,
Very interesting
Very interesting campaign. If weather is ok next Tuesday, I can take images of these targets using a 12" newton and a Rc filter, but due to the high light pollution that surrounds my observatory, if the star is fainther than 18th mag. it will be very difficult to detect it (may be stacking a couple of images...). I don't know if it is valuable an image where the star is not visible.
What image format do you suggest? Fits, jpg, png?
Best regards,
I should be able to do something for this observing campaign. The images uploaded to the forum must be calibrated, or are sufficient raw?
Thank you!
<edit> Sorry, I read the instructions carefully
Thank you so much
Dear all,
Thank you so much for your interest in the campaign! The observations are very timely for my research.
There are a few targets fainter than 18 in quiescence, but they might be brighter if they are outbursting. Even non-detections are useful, because I could interpret that as quiescence if I see other stars in the field. Fits format is preferred.
If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks a lot!
Clear skies,
Roque Ruiz-Carmona
Sorry if I don't understand very well...
So, is it possible take unfiltered images?
Thanks a lot
Hi Juan-Luis,
Thanks a lot for your interest in the campaign!
Regarding your question: absolutely! Everything is welcome, unfiltered images as well. Maybe it was confusing when I mentioned R filter, which is why I normally use. But unfiltered is also welcome.
Thank you!
Roque Ruiz-Carmona
Gracias, mañana estaré al pie del cañón intentando obtener imágenes de todas las que pueda.
Un abrazo.
I'll try to image the target list, clouds permitting.
The coordinates of one of your targets do not agree at all with the VSP chart
From Alert Notice 524
From VSP Chart
Primary Name
RA (2000)
Dec (2000)
RA (2000)
Dec (2000)
V592 Her
Another of your targets, HS2141+1231, doesn't pull up a VSP chart under that name - use SDSS J214354.60+124458.0 instead,
Jim Seargeant
Thanks for your email, Jim. I'll look into the ID for PTFS1116cc with the PI.
Regarding HS2141+1231, a chart is created if you put a space between HS and 2141+1231.
Thanks for observing these targets!
Good observing,
Thank you so much for
Hi Jim,
Thank you so much for your interest, and for spotting the error.
It is my mistake, I meant PTFS1116ca which is indeed V592 Her. That is the target to observe.
Many thanks and clear skies
Roque Ruiz-Carmona
A REVISED table containing the targets for Roque Ruiz-Carmona's campaign on 17 PTF CVs (see AAVSO Alert Notice 524) has been posted here. The following revisions (shown in bold in the table) have been made:
1) This revision is the most important. The target V592 Her (old PTF ID PTFS1116cc) is still a target, but the COORDINATES and PTF ID GIVEN WERE INCORRECT. The table contains the correct coordinates and PTF ID for V592 Her. Note that there is no PTF finder chart for V592 Her=PTFS1116ca in the file of finder charts provided by the PI; charts should be made using VSP.
2) The object PTFS1116cc is NOT a target for this campaign; please ignore the finder chart given for it.
3) Some Primary Names have been revised to easier, more familiar names. Please use these names when submitting observations to the AID.
4) The ranges provided by the PI were based on light curves that were in some cases poor, thus, some of the values have a very large error. In order to give the observer more information as to how bright the system may be, especially at quiescence, the range from VSX has been added.
My sincere apologies for any confusion these revisions may cause. Thank you very much for obtaining images of these targets and posting them immediately to this forum for the PI to review.
Good observing,
Hello Elizabeth and Roque
I know its a day early for this campaign, but I have access to the RC24 tonight (Monday JD 7224) after 10:30 pm EDT. I thought I would go after some of the faint ones, just in case the weather is bad for others planning to observe. I may have some time tomorrow (Tues--7225) after a private open night.
I got them all last night/this morn. I know its a day early, but I considered it a dry run. It was a terrible night here, FWHM of 6-7. Hope tomorrow is better. I can post them, but I would prefer to hold them for now, and hope for better conditions tomorrow night. If everyone gets skunked tomorrow, they may be of some use.
Oh Yea, BTW: I did not see any outbursts, but did not look too carefully. Will do that in the am.
Thanks a lot for
Hi Gary,
Thanks a lot for your effort! Sure I can use those images as well.
Outbursts are pretty spectacular, and sometimes only a quick look to the images is enough. If we catch any of them outbursting tonight, the outburst must be starting based on your images. This is great!!
Thanks again and clear skies!
Hello All
Had a chance to calibrate last nights images, and they are not great, but they are all better than FWHM under 5 arc secs. They do not look as bad as last night at the computer with a low res monitor.
1. I did detect something on two objects. PTSF1118x and PTXF1122t. Had them at 14.0 and 14.7, which is above quiescence. It was hard to make sure, as the objects and nearby stars are not clearly defined. Did 5 minute exposures with a 24 inch in V, with high thin cirrus. Suggest you go more. Also, finder chanrts are in R, and took V images. Would R images be more useful? Don't Know. Rogue, any suggestions if we have a choice.
2. Forcast poor for tonight. Will keep the faith. The other 15 objects showed no sign of outburst. Image detection level about 16.0 to 16.4--thats measuring in V frames, using the R values for calibration. So apples and oranges.
3. Finder charts are great. Well done. Really makes things easy.
Thanks a lot, Gary!!
Images in R filter can be used to check, but I don't think colours are ~3 mag. So I think they are in outburst, maybe other observers will confirm this.
This is great, let's keep faith for tonight.
Cheers and thanks again!
R >=14.88 for PTFS1122t: Outburst is confirmed!
Good luck everyone!
Ready to observe these targets tonight with a 13" RCOS and SBIG STL11000, clear filter.
Weather seems to be OK for tonight and all the targets can be taken during the first half of the night.
Thank you, Emmanuel. Let's hope weather is nice!
Cheers, Roque
ready to observe. I begin (if clouds allow me) with VW CrB and v844 Her.
Good luck to everybody.
First image. VW CrB taken through a Newton 12" f/4, CCD SBIG ST-8XME bin 1 (resolution, 1.55"/px) and Cousins Rc filter (all images I post have been taken with the same equipment). The star is not visible (limit mag. about 19th). 600" exposure…
Second image: v844 Her. Same conditions but only 300" exposure. The star is faint but visible…
Third image: V592 Her. Star not visible…
Fourth: V1227 Her. Clearly visible…
Unfortunately, I must stop observing. Sky is now totally cloud and with risk of storm
Hope other observes have better weather forecast!
Best regards
Thanks a lot, Fran. Great images! Roque
Dear all,
V344 Lyr taken through a Newton 10" f/4, CCD Alccd5.2 (QHY6) bin 1 and Johnson V filter:
Thanks, Tamas. This image confirms what Gary found: the target is in outburst.
Cheers, Roque
This is just V344 Lyr's one single shot of 100" taken just a few minutes ago. Confirmed outburst here too. This is just one preliminary image, not processed.
Its Cloudy here. Waiting to see if it clears.
Good luck with those clouds, Gary. Here working but the wind is terrible...
Well it cleared and I got all 17 again. Confirmed outburst of PTFS1118x (V334 Lyr) and PTFS1122t (V367 Peg) tonight (JD 7225) same as on JD 7224.
I can also confirm PTFS1119h (V1504 Cyg) in outburst tonight (JD7225) at Mag 13.3 (again calibrated in R from a V image).
Will process in the morning and post.
Observatory open. Windy night. I start at this moment.
With a single shot of 100" of V1504 Cyg I think it is too bright...
I agree, it seems too bright. I think it is outbursting!
Gracias por estar al pie del cañón!
Un placer colaborar en el proyecto. He sacado 7 de las estrellas propuestas, acabo de terminar ahora mismo. Mañana a primera hora procesaré las imágenes (darks, flats...) y las subo. Abrazos.
A pleasure to collaborate on the project. I have taken 7 stars proposals, I just finished now. First thing tomorrow I'll process the images (darks, flats ...) and upload. Hugs.
Dear Roque,
Attached the link to see my last night images of this Campaign. As you can see I've copy Astrometrica Software information of each star to display the correct location and a preliminary photometry (CR) of them. If you need another kind of image do not hesitate to ask. The night was not very good due to the strong wind I suffered all night, but at least I could see 7 goals.…
I think I captured six of those seven goals, except V364 Peg, very, very faint.
V1504 Cyg is quite brighter than expected, as already I detected last night.
I hope this information will serve, for me has been a pleasure to collaborate.
Best regards,
Dear Juan Luis,
Thanks a lot for collaborating! The images will help my research :)
Cheers, Roque.
Hello Rogue and All
I have attempted to attach the FITS files from the 17. Poor night, but usable. Had a little over a 2 hour window of usable sky. I do have some issue with the focuser, so the images are not well focussed.
I get the following error: :The selected file could not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp csv fts fits tiff tif docx xlsx pptx mp3.
These are standard FITS files from Maxim. We should be able to post these. They are only half a MB. HQ, what do you suggest? Rogue, should I email them to you directly? What is your email address?
Hello Rogue and All
I have attempted to attach the FITS files from the 17. Poor night, but usable. Had a little over a 2 hour window of usable sky. I do have some issue with the focuser, so the images are not well focussed.
I get the following error: :The selected file could not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp csv fts fits tiff tif docx xlsx pptx mp3.
These are standard FITS files from Maxim. We should be able to post these. They are only half a MB. HQ, what do you suggest? Rogue, should I email them to you directly? What is your email address?
Hi Gary,
Thanks a lot! I don't know what the problem could be. My email is or
Thank you for your contribution,
Hello Rogue
I have images from 7224 also. Do you want them? I can post on forum now, if you wish.
Hi Gary,
That would be great! Thanks a lot for your collaboration.
Cheers, Roque
Hello Rogue
Here are the images from the first night (Dry Run).
Gary, it looks like .fit wasn't on the list of approved file extensions. I've added it, so you should be able to upload your file now. Let me know if you're still having problems.
Thanks Will
It looks like all is well with Maxim Fits files.
I took images of both PTFS1117q and PTFS1123n with an 80mm f/4.5 refractor w/Orion SkyGlow filter. I hope these help, this is my first submission, let me know if there's anything I can do to make them better (other than invert them, I couldn't find any of the software I had to do that)
Here are the images from last night. Enjoy
Thanks Will for adding this file type
Hi, this is our image of PTFS1116al V844 Her.
Observers: N. Montigiani, M. Mannucci, L. Ferrini (Associazione Astrofili Fiorentini)
Date: 21/07/2015 - Time: 20:20:12 UT
Exposures time: 3 X 300 sec
Telescope: Newton 16" f/4.5
CCD: SBIG ST7XME + AO8 + V filter
Associazione Astrofili Fiorentini (A.A.F.)
Dear all,
This is the final update of the campaign. I observed very extensively PTFS1119h, which seemed to be in superoutburst. It is the first system that I'm able to study during superoutburst, so looking forward to the results.
Thanks a lot to everyone! I am preparing another campaign for the end of August, hope I can count on you. :)
Clear skies,