


The Journal of the AAVSO (JAAVSO)
The main variable star research publication of the AAVSO.



  AAVSO Guide to CCD Photometry
  DSLR Observing Manual
  A Practical Guide to Exoplanet Observing
  Photoelectric Photometry Observer's Guide
  The AAVSO Solar Observing Guide
  AAVSO Guide to Getting Started in Spectroscopy
Manual for Visual Observing of Variable Stars
The essential comprehensive guide to making variable star observations and reporting them to the AAVSO, with many translated versions available.
JD Calendar
JD dates are explained and pdf calendars are available. Also convert from UT to JD and JD to UT.


General Interest

AAVSO Communications
The purpose of this monthly email is to highlight new initiatives and ongoing projects in a concise way which we hope you will find informative. Sometimes there is just so much going on that it is hard to keep track of it all. We hope that AAVSO Communications will make it easier for you to see what is happening and follow the links to read more about what intrests you.
AAVSO Annual Report
Directors' Reports


Section Publications

Solar Bulletin
Includes SID reports, sunspot reports, images, announcements, and more.
RR Lyrae Ephemerides
Eclipsing Binary Ephemerides


Book Reviews and Papers

AAVSO Variable Star Bookstore
Selected books on variable stars, observing variable stars, stellar evolution and much more. Links to purchase them directly from amazon dot com benefits the AAVSO

AAVSO In Print
Linked list of papers published using AAVSO data

Variable star posters and talks by AAVSO staff


Member Communications

Observation Notification
MyNewsFlash: Customizable observation reports
Alert Notice: Notice of stellar activity/discovery or request for observations in support of an observing campaign
AAVSO Circulars: Weekly summaries of observations received for select variable classes

Forums: General, Help, Software, Campaigns, Photometry, and much more!
Chat Room
Discussion Groups: SID and Solar/Archives of inactive discussion groups


Historical Publications

75th Anniversary Edition of the JAAVSO (available upon request)
AAVSO Abstracts
Advancing Variable Star Astronomy: The Centennial History of the AAVSO (hardcover available from Cambridge University Press)
Advancing Variable Star Astronomy: The Centennial History of the AAVSO (kindle e-book from
Dorrit Hoffleit's Autobiography, "Misfortunes as Blessings in Disguise" (available upon request)
Some Stars, Some Music: The Memoirs of Clinton B. Ford (available upon request)


Discontinued Publications

AAVSO Newsletter
AAVSO Special Notice
The Bulletin - Predicted Dates of Maxima and Minima of Long Period Variables
CCD Views
Eyepiece Views
The Education of Women Astronomers Before 1960
Dorrit Hoffleit's essays, "Maria Mitchell's Famous Students" and "Comets Over Nantucket"
Monographs - Long term light curves of individual stars
Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries
Observed Maxima Timings of RR Lyrae Stars
PEP Newsletter
The Story of the AAVSO and AAVSO Observers and Observations 1911-1993
Variable Comments
Women in the History of Variable Star Astronomy