U Sco

Alert Notice 664: Monitoring recurrent nova U Sco to discover its imminent eruption

April 3, 2019: Dr. Bradley E. Schaefer (Louisiana State University) provides the following information:

"Frequent monitoring is requested of the recurrent nova U Scorpii over the next year or so to discover the upcoming very-fast eruption. The predicted outburst is for the year 2020.0±0.7. The eruption is likely within the next year, but it could well go off tonight.  

"Observers of many types are needed before the next outburst:

Special Notice #193: Request for photometry of the recurrent nova U Scorpii

February 8, 2010: Dr. Bradley Schaefer has requested increased optical coverage of the recurrent nova U Scorpii through the end of February 2010 at least. Of greatest interest are calibrated multicolor photometry to follow the evolution of the optical spectrum throughout the outburst, and intensive time-series photometry to study flickering in the system and to time the eclipses. Recent photometry of U Scorpii has indicated that the nova ejecta shell has become optically thin, making the central star visible again.

Special Notice #197: Request for time-series photometry of U Sco

March 2, 2010: Dr. Bradley Schaefer (LSU) requests intensive time-series observations of U Scorpii beginning immediately and continuing through 2010 March 4 08:00 UT (JD 2455259.83). These observations are requested in support of coincident X-ray photometry by the XMM-Newton satellite. The XMM-Newton observations, requested by Dr. Jan-Uwe Ness (ESA), will investigate the X-ray behavior of U Sco during its transition from outburst back to quiescence.

Alert Notice 367: Monitoring of the Recurrent Nova U Scorpii

January 22, 2008: Dr. Bradley E. Schaefer (Louisiana State University) requests increased monitoring of the recurrent nova U Scorpii (AAVSO 1616-17) over the next 24 months. Observers are asked to add U Sco to their regular observing program and to monitor the star in advance of an outburst predicted to occur around 2009.3 +/- 1.0 year.