
Alert Notice 614 : Monitoring of GW Lib to support XMM-Newton observation

February 12, 2018: Dr. Koji Mukai (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and colleagues have requested AAVSO observations of the WZ Sge type dwarf nova GW Lib in support of observations with the ESA XMM-Newton spaceobservatory scheduled for

2018 February 17  05:46:41 - 21:36:41 UT

Alert Notice 607: MASTER OT J132104.04+560957.8 photometry urgently needed for XMM observations

December 1, 2017: Dr. Mark Kennedy (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester) requests AAVSO observers' assistance in providing optical coverage of the polar MASTER OT J132104.04+560957.8 in support of observations with the XMM-Newton satellite scheduled for this Sunday, 2017 December 3, 08:35:31 UT - 16:38:51 UT.

The XMM-Newton observations themselves will not include an optical component, so photometry provided by AAVSO observers is essential for the interpretation of the X-ray data.

Alert Notice 601: V902 Mon observations needed to support XMM-Newton observation

October 10, 2017: Dr. Hauke Wörpel (Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)) has requested AAVSO assistance in obtaining observations of the eclipsing intermediate polar (IP) candidate V902 Mon in support of an XMM-Newton observation scheduled for 2017 October 14, 14:42 UT (duration 43,000s).

AAVSO Special Notice #99: Campaign in support of SS Aurigae observations by XMM-Newton delayed

March 10, 2008: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 371, we have been informed by Dr. Patrick Godon that XMM-Newton observations of the dwarf nova SS Aurigae have been delayed by the XMM-Newton Science Operations Center. They have not been issued a new date, and so the request for observations in Alert Notice 371 is now cancelled.
Please observe SS Aurigae as part of your normal observing program if you already do so, but increased coverage is not yet required.

Alert Notice 573: V2492 Cyg monitoring requested in support of XMM observations

April 6, 2017 : Dr. Nicolas Grosso (CNRS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg) has requested AAVSO assistance in monitoring the young eruptive star (FUOR type) V2492 Cyg from the optical to the infrared in support of X-ray observations with XMM-Newton scheduled for 2017 April 18 UT.

The XMM observations will take place: 2017-04-18 03:27:07 UT - 2017-04-18 14:17:07 UT.

Special Notice #425: FO Aqr XMM-Newton observations scheduled

November 9, 2016: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 545, time series observations of the intermediate polar cataclysmic variable FO Aqr are requested to provide simultaneous coverage of XMM-Newton observations scheduled for 2016 November 13 19:43 UTC to November 14 8:13 UTC.

Special Notice #401: AM Her NuSTAR observations April 5

April 3, 2015: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 517 (www.aavso.org/aavso-alert-notice-517), Dr. Axel Schwope (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany) informs us that the NuSTAR X-ray observations of AM Her will take place on

2015 April 5  15:35 UTC - April 6 19:15 UTC

These NuSTAR observations overlap with the XMM-Newton observations scheduled for April 6.

Filtered photometry with standard filter (BVRI) is requested using the cadence given in Alert Notice 517.  

Alert Notice 517: Monitoring of AM Her urgently requested in support of XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations

April 2, 2015: Dr. Axel Schwope (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany) has requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring the magnetic variable AM Her in support of upcoming XMM-Newton plus NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) observations.

The XMM-Newton observations are scheduled for 2015 April 06 02:37:02-15:07:02 UT. The NuSTAR observations have not been made final yet but are expected to run longer. A Special Notice will be issued when the NuSTAR schedule is known.

Special Notice #197: Request for time-series photometry of U Sco

March 2, 2010: Dr. Bradley Schaefer (LSU) requests intensive time-series observations of U Scorpii beginning immediately and continuing through 2010 March 4 08:00 UT (JD 2455259.83). These observations are requested in support of coincident X-ray photometry by the XMM-Newton satellite. The XMM-Newton observations, requested by Dr. Jan-Uwe Ness (ESA), will investigate the X-ray behavior of U Sco during its transition from outburst back to quiescence.