AAVSO Bulletin 75 - Stars with Double Maxima

In AAVSO Bulletin 75 there are two stars that exhibit double maxima:  R Cen and R Nor. These stars therefore have primary and secondary maxima and minima. They are not included in the main Bulletin table. Their predicted dates of maximum and minimum for January 2012 through February 2013 are presented here in list form (JD and Gregorian calendar dates) and in approximation of the main Bulletin table format.

AAVSO BULLETIN 74 -Stars with Double Maxima

In Bulletin 74 there are three stars that exhibit double maxima: V Boo, R Cen, and R Nor. These stars therefore have primary and secondary maxima and minima. They are not included in the main Bulletin table. Their predicted dates of maximum and minimum for January 2011 through February 2012 are presented here in list form (JD and Gregorian calendar dates) and in approximation of the main Bulletin table format.

AAVSO Bulletin 74 for 2011 - How to Use the Bulletin

AAVSO Bulletin 74 - Predicted Dates of Maxima and Minima of Long Period Variables for 2011 - is published in a new format. The information that was included in earlier numbers of the Bulletin is included in this new format, along with more information. This year the Bulletin does not include stars that do not have an AAVSO mean curve.

AAVSO Bulletin Generator

The following form will allow you to generate a customized copy of the AAVSO Bulletin suited to your needs.  You may select stars from a given constellation, range of Right Ascension and/or Declination, or simply type in a list of stars you would like returned.  You may also customize the page that's output by color-coding the months depending upon the brightness of the star, and also limit output to a single month.  Leaving all options blank will give you the complete list of stars in this issue of the Bulletin with no color added to the table.

AAVSO Maxima and Minima for Long Period Variables: Data Access

These data are formally published for the years 1900 to 2008.  For a description of this data set, please click here.

Note: A separate page exists for the data including unpublished times of maxima.  Go here for the current data set including the most recent data (through February of the current year).

Stars with maxima and minima data are as follows:

AAVSO Bulletin

The AAVSO Bulletin: Predicted Dates of Maxima and Minima of Long Period Variables was a long-running publication of the AAVSO. It gave predictions of dates of maxima and minima for hundreds of long period variables (Miras and semiregulars) in the AAVSO program, and was intended to be an observing guide and planning tool for all observers of LPV stars, amateur and professional alike.

The last published Bulletin - Bulletin 81 - was for January 2018 through February 2019.