
AAVSO Publication Subscriptions

All pricing information for 2021 is available here (pdf)

For new subscribers: The following AAVSO publications are available on a yearly subscription basis.  The subscription period is from January 1–December 31. Payment is due by January 1. For more information or to subscribe to any of our publications, please contact the AAVSO.

AAVSO Special Notice #430: AAVSO Special Notice is being discontinued

July 28, 2017: The AAVSO Special Notice is being discontinued as of July 28, 2017. This notice - #430 - is the last Notice of the publication.

The type of information supplied in AAVSO Special Notices will now be supplied in the AAVSO Alert Notices and/or in the AAVSO online forums on Campaigns & Observation Reports, Time Sensitive Reports, and the other Variable Star Observing and Variable Star forums, as appropriate.

New results on FS Aurigae

The paper "Optical and X-ray Variability of the Peculiar Cataclysmic Variable FS Aurigae with a Magnetic and Freely Precessing White Dwarf" by Vitaly Neustroev and collaborators is now available on  The paper was co-authored by several AAVSO observers, and involves data taken during the 2010-2011 observing campaign.