AAVSO Annual Campaign 2019 – Cultivating the Future
Reach for the stars by participating in the AAVSO 2019 Annual Fundraising Campaign! Your generous contribution will support the AAVSO today and nurture the next generation of star gazers.
Reach for the stars by participating in the AAVSO 2019 Annual Fundraising Campaign! Your generous contribution will support the AAVSO today and nurture the next generation of star gazers.
Supernova Society ($20,000 or more)
Centala, John
Nova Society ($10,000-19,999)
Director's Circle ($5,000-9,999)
Berry, Richard
Myers, Gordon
Post, Richard S.
Walker, Gary
Patrons ($2,500-4,999)
Goff, William
Research Corporation
Friedrich Wilhelm August Argelander is generally considered the father of variable star astronomy. He was the first astronomer to begin a careful study of variable stars. At the time, only a handful of variables were known, and he was responsible for introducing the modern system of naming them using the capital letters R-Z.
Tis the season
If you’re like most people, you do your major giving toward the end of the year. This is also the time of year most non-profit organizations receive over half their donations for the calendar year.
What is #GivingTuesday?
The good news is - there is more than one way to donate to AAVSO via Amazon.com. The bad news is – it is not as straightforward or easy as it could be.
There are so many ways to say thank you, but no matter what language is spoken, they all convey the same message of gratitude and appreciation. We wish to express to all our donors around the world our sincere thanks for your generosity in support of this year's annual campaign.
Season's Greetings from your AAVSO!
It's hard to believe we've come to the end of another year, but once the tree lighting ceremony in Boston occurs, we know there are not many days until the new year. It's a time of year we use to reflect on what we have accomplished, and it's a time we dare to look to the future and dream about what is possible.
Everyone’s familiar with the term ‘bricks and mortar’. Many donors prefer to give to specific projects or programs that result in well-defined, tangible goods, such as the new wing of a building, a playground, or furniture and athletic equipment for a recreation center.